Interview with Bjorn Magnhildoen, The "artist" within quotes

Why don't you say something?

Well, you have the cursive, so why should I?

This is plain text so you are wrong.

You got the full stops

The problem with interviews is that

First there's resistance to the form

Then there's self-reference to the form

Actually that might correspond to how things develop

As a metaphor of the content of any interview

Can you tell me more

Speaking of something is speaking of everything

Can you be more precise?

That corresponds to - I was just pondering, how much of a sphere do we
see from this or that distance, and you realize that it slides from 0
degrees if you're really close, or precise, to 180 at infinite distance.

What I mean is that when you're precise you say something trivial

Which is OK, so let's, and nothing new, oh these are problems

Let's say we went into details

See details

And I was thinking - to know the culture of say a land you don't
actually need to know anything about its general history, etc. It's not
a zoom into details - you could know it directly

You seem to propose a direct method, like fashionable zen and stuff

This makes us sick, I know, the biggest generalizations might be the
biggest illusions also

But the concrete doesn't lie?

Well, the thing itself might be the worst bluff, the abstractionist and
concretist go very well in hand

It moves with a double face, phase, so to say

So what would be your method?

I have no idea, well, I might have but it's not a position

You might just be a coward

I'm not afraid to die

Well, that might be the biggest cowardize ever

Anyway these therms doesn't really hold anything

What holds anything then?

First of all the holding idea isn't complete on its own

Let's say out of transactions, or synapses

Time seem to be steady, so let's propose time method

Like entropy

Or memory

Over time things seem to naturally or artifically to develop

Development might be mostly degeneration plus a novelty on the side

Like some structure at expense of loss of information

After some time there will be an emtpy structure

A room temperature

Which is time method, moderation of everything

On the other hand there's a beak

A peak

Like the catastrophic

And out of structure itself, bifurcation See also
broken symmetrytipping pointphase transitiondomino effectsnowball
effectbutterfly effectspontaneous symmetry breakingsingularity theory

Thank you very much

Of nothing
  • Interview borwa.Corp

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