dear Wryting:

Plantarchy is a poetry journal. The first issue features work by members of the list, including mIEKAL aND, John M. Bennett, Alan Sondheim, Sheila E. Murphy, and Jow Lindsay. There's something interesting to me in the sliding back and forth between and "smearing" thru instatiations of the analog and the digital – fitting then that the three poems of Alan's printed in Plantarchy first appeared on Wryting – as did two out of four of Sheila's. All of this is duly noted on the acknowledgments page (fyi)...

There is also work by Tom Raworth, Lisa Jarnot, William R. Howe, Rodrigo Toscano, Matthew Klane, Camille Martin, and 405-12-3415. There is an essay on Neoism by Stephen Perkins and a review of Betty Bright's _No Longer Innocent: Book Art in America 1960-1980_ (Granary) by Richard Kostelanetz.

Plantarchy has been a strategic PR campaign months in the making, but the thing has now been printed, hand-bound and trimmed in an edition of 300 - stacked waiting in my kitchen for u to send $$ or trades. It was very much a community effort, as a number of friends living in or passing thru the Oxford area had a go at helping w/ the collating and binding. Single issues are $10 and 4-issue subscriptions are $25.

You can purchase Plantarchy via Paypal here
or send the right stuff to me @ 112 N College #4 / Oxford, OH 45056 USA

Copies have been shipped to contributors and subscribors. Please write to me if you are interested in a review copy.

Submissions now being accepted for Plantarchy 2, themed loosely towards Performance and Performativity. Contributors thus far include (among others): Piers Hugill, Brenda Iijima, Stuart Calton, Michael Slosek, Daisy Levy, Richard Kostelanetz and Camille Paloque-Bergés. Also, please send (preferably) hand-made books/journals for review with an accompanying note.

[Apologies if u received a variant of this message via another list.]


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