p o s t _ m o o t

a convocation of unorthodox cultural and poetic practices

April 14-16. 2006
Miami University. Oxford. Ohio

performances, discussions, screenings, papers and book launches (h u n d r e d s / Slack Buddha, Plantarchy, tnwk (the books chapters 6-7), Some Assembly Required)



Michael Basinski _ Brian Marina Brown _ Peter Castaldo _ Rachel Chase _ cris cheek _ Steph Elstrow _ K. Lorraine Graham _ Alan Golding _ Kevin R. Hollo _ L.A. Howe _ William R. Howe _ Jackie Kari_Justin Katko _ Claire Keys_Steven Paul Lansky _ Kirsten Lavers _ Mel Nichols _ Tom Orange _ CamillePaloque-Bergès _ Nicole Proctor _ Jim Reiss_ Linda Russo _ Jessica Smith _ Rachel Smith _ Rod Smith _ Joshua Strauss _ TNWK _ Rodrigo Toscano _ Keith Tuma _ Mark Wallace _ Leigh Waltz _ Tyrone Williams _ Aaren Yandrich _ Jason Zeh _

the formulation of post moot emerged from several conversations seeking to bring together an opportune fold of practitioners for whom the possibilities of poetry as agency in contemporary society remains a passionate concern

these practitioners blur simplistic demarcations between influential performances for the production and circulation of poetry(s) — teaching, archiving, bookselling, editing, researching, social activism, eventing, and curating. this is in addition to their daily practice

we mean the above to include diverse media and ephemeral modes of production *

we wanted to create a mooting place (ok, a moot) for conversations and exchange, a convocation — part festival, part symposium, part conference, part discussion, part celebration, part . . . trepidation

Moot. n. Pronunciation: 'müt. Etymology: Middle English, from Old English mOt, gemOt; akin to Middle High German muoze meeting, an encounter. Also: talking; the discussion of a hypothetical case

Moot. tv. 1 a : to bring up for discussion : BROACH b : DEBATE. 2 : to discuss from a legal standpoint : ARGUE. Also: to speak; to converse; to complain, murmur; to say; to utter; to argue; to plead; to discuss; to raise or bring forward; to dig up; to dig up by the roots; to dig out; unearth; to fashion; to open to discussion; to propose; to mutter; to utter

Moot. adj . 1 a : open to question : DEBATABLE b : subjected to discussion : DISPUTED. 2 : deprived of practical significance : made abstract or purely academic

it has been fashioned in a DIY make-do spirit and at short notice to catch the air of a moment. everybody doing something is doing so just for the craic

moot is a board game that consists of what are considered tough questions about the etymology of english words

mooter is a web search engine whose strapline reads 'the power of relevance'

p o s t_m o o t in terms of relevance and power then: in the context of what has been in recent years almost an orgy of declarations of post this or post that, desperate attempts to demark

the post-ness of our situation is what is under discussion. we're interested in how we got here, but we're AS interested if not more interested in where we're going. post moot is neither a port of embarkation nor of disembarkation in the sense of journeys and destinations, the prioritizations of going to and coming from

it is not so much the moot that is post but the post that is moot

— cris, jUStin, & William

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* including but not limited to live-writing, performance art, choreographic poetics, kinetic poems, movement poems, site-specific & -responsive language installations, book/objects, artists books, writerly books, projected writing, cyber-poetries, video-poetries, concrete, visual, sound poetries, sound environments, radio poetry, networked media, & etc 

for more info:  http://plantarchy.us/post_moot.html

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