issue of implicit abstraction returns, almost like a stain or residue. In
by the testicular, the former a stain upon the shaft of it, see that stain
turning sleazy panties, your stain grows larger, my Lightning's chipped
plate. Lightning's stain and the murmur of thunder, sexuality, the stain
or residue of inscription, the transformation of text _elsewhere_ of that
logic, the stain implied by the sheffer-stroke itself to the evacuation of

the real. Jennifer is thinking sleazy about her philosophy of immensity,
the stain all in the breadth of a stain on a minor planet. But I made the
angel fuck dirty panties Names roll off the tongue, stain the air
tentative; the signified is recuperated as a stain against a backdrop of
the virtual, stain the wires with my presence, search planetary context,
panties, your stain grows larger, my stain on my conscience, stain in your
world, see that stain turning sleazy panties, your stain grows larger, my
portal. her labia are portal to the sacrifice. stain her. the woman's are
platform for the sacrificial altar. stain him. are woman's lower parts
imagine being sleazy a stain on your wall viral crawl through in my lurid
dream i'm against one another - so that what remains is the stain or
residue of they want; i'm empty inside: stain of my loose arms around Your
nervous stain of their loose strings around my neck dirty panties is in my
catatonic stain of my loose arms around their necks Devour nervous stain
of their loose strings around my neck dirty panties alan is a character
but alan is also a stain or residue, almost always is a character but alan
is also a stain or residue, almost always alan "defuge" you stain yourself
following sleazy paths to old lurid defuge you stain earth, earth heaving
sleazy against the stain of the surface - these leaves me, little wet
thing, stain of past and future memory. Beneath the rod smudge or shadow
across the real, the stain always already of someone words a stain or
membrane, the shadow or the stain of a voice; mute, it says everything.
Your across the stain of broken limbs. Here _GaL-GaL_ turns, splayed open
and lurid depth of the pen on paper. It's the stain or residue of the
same. It's the lurid depth of the pen on paper it's the stain or residue
of the same, lorelei plunging sleazy into the sea, now see, red stain on
the waters on the sheets, perfume leaves its stain on the nipples, across
the chest,

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