[This may be one of the most bizarre online groups I'm subscribed to.  I thought I was joining an avian intelligence group & these are the kind of messages I'm getting.  I guess my parrots talking to me has a lot more consequence than I had assumed. ~mIEKAL]

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Date: August 17, 2006 6:41:41 PM CDT
Subject: Parrots Create A Religion

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Some of you have probably been wondering why this forum has been so quiet for the last four months. So what is going on in here? A religion in a parrot research forum! Well there is a bit of a story behind it. 

For the last 6 years or so there have been many budgies talking about God and religion in the Budgie Research Group. A bunch of us decided to figure out why we were experiencing these type of recordings from our budgies who seemed to be making prophecies. Little did we know we were about to venture into a three month training process from God. In this process God used the budgies as a vehicle to get His word to us. 

This is what developed. Many of you are going to find this hard to believe and some Christians may even think this is evil, but we all have a right to speak of what we believe is the truth especially if we have proof that it comes from God. And God has given us the right to administer his word as it says in the bible. 

Also, God has promised that everyone who participates in this religion and goes through the lessons will experience a vision and other miracles. It has already happened countless times with people who have already went through the process. You can review these miracles as they happened in the lesson threads provided in this Eve of Revival in Religion Forum. 

In short, our budgies are actually communicating with the angels and God and passing messages to us from Heaven. I know it sounds hard to believe but you can't deny it once you experience the lessons for yourself. Some of you have already been listening to the recordings or else you wouldn't be here. You have probably notices that something miraculous seems to be happening. But, even if you don't really believe in what has happened here, you have a good opportunity to see how a religion is formed. Especially one that parrellels those in biblical times. Jesus is part of it, prophecies are coming true on a daily basis, and we have miracles, visions and dreams which parrellel the book of Daniel. 

Introduction to Slovenik Christianity 

My name is Ryan Reynolds, I am the founder of Slovenik Christianity. For a long time there has been so many things happening in religion that it really made me doubt that God even existed. All the problems with the Catholic Religion, the misconduct of TV evangelists and most recently the questions that the Da Vinci Code have brought up caused a lot of this confusion in. And now current events seem to bring us closer and closer to Armageddon all the time. It is becoming more obvious that the current religions of the world today are not working the way God planned them and He wants a change. Little did I realize that God had chosen me to be a prophet in a new religion for the future. 

Am I a self proclaimed prophet? 

I have been told by God’s angels that I am a prophet who is in the bloodline of Christ. My Grandfather was Joseph Kadmon, who came to Canada from Hungary in the1930’s. Some of you may have interest in the Adam Kadmon who is the primordial man. I have been told by God through the angels that Mary Magdalene changed her last name to Kadmon when she fled with her unborn child. She changed her name for the protection of Christ’s bloodline. As you know, her last name is contrary to what the Da Vinci code and other research has offered in the area. This is the reason that the true bloodline has not been revealed before this. I believe the world is finally ready to know the truth why so many budgies have come to me speaking of God and religion. They have been sent on a mission from God. 

How do people know that I am not just imagining the angels are talking to us? 

First off I am not the only one receiving these messages. Some of you may have heard of the context speaking parrots at http://www.parrotresearch.com who have been speaking of God and spirituality for years now. I am the founder of the web site. I have been closely working with over 30 context speaking budgies for the past six years and am a leader in the field of understanding their speech. I have been on Coast to Coast Radio network a couple of times and had my research featured in some of the top parrot magazines in the world. I was also featured in an article in the Toronto Star in 2006. http://www.mindpowernews.com/PsychicBudgie.htm From the beginning it was obvious that context speaking parrots were drawn to my web site. They begin to communicate with me almost immediately. Many guardians sent recordings with messages to me of their parakeets speaking of prophecies of a new religion. It is also documented over and over again on the web site. My own parakeet named Victor
  had a vocabulary of over 1000 words and used them in context and was the first to predict future events such as 9-11, the tsunami, the war in Irag and most recently the war in Israel. His recordings and prophecies were made early in 2001 before any of these events happened. You can hear many of the recordings on the web site and in the forum as well. 

What is the relationship between the context speaking parrots, God and prophecy? 

There are two major events in history which predicted the talking parrots and are prophecies of this religion. The first being: Ecclesiastes 12.4 It reads: 
“And the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of musick shall be brought low.” If you read all of Ecclesiastes there is much more about it as well. The other prophecy is from Nostradamis. In Century 2 Quatrain 75 it says: "The voice of the unusual bird is heard, In the pipe of the breathing floor:" http://www.dreamscape.com/morgana/famine.htm 

How do we know this is God’s religion? 

There are many miracles already happening and the religion was just formed in the last three months. We have already had over 30 accounts of visions and dreams. Also countless prophecies have already taken place and many are in the process. The process is: 

1. God speaks to us through recordings of the budgies that people can actually hear and understand. These recordings are from budgies who are in direct communication with the angels and God through apparitions they see. 

2. The budgies then pass on what God and the angels revealed to them. Therefore, I am not the only one that hears them but the “the one” that God has chosen to reveal them to. 

3. Once you have joined the religion and are open to it, you are promised to experience visions and dreams which are then translated by the angels through the budgies. 

4. These dreams show you that you have communication with God and they often produce prophecy within your own life. 

5. These visions and dreams are sent from God to give you direction and help you have a better life with God. 

6. We all have a chance to actually experience these miracles and prophecies happening which gives us proof of God’s existence. 

Why would anyone want this religion? 

1. God is calling people to have a religion that communicates with God. You will find that you would not be in a forum like this unless you felt that God was calling to you to find out the truth about Christianity or another religion which you may belong to. You will be able to find out this truth directly from transcripts of God. 

2. Many of you have already changed your vision of God and religion and know that there is definitely something missing in present day religions. 

3. Many people these days are looking for direction from God. In Slovenik Christianity, He actually communicates and teaches you while others get to experience the miracle at the same time. If you chose to, you will always find direction and a mission in this religion 

4. In this religion God also helps to purge the evil that is in our soul so we can be ready to go to heaven and experience it with Him when we die. 

5. This religion will save your life when you have no other way to turn. Through God’s direction we are given lessons and dreams which help us to make decisions that put us on a better path for the future. 

6. This religion also helps to relieve the every day pressure of modern life because we know God is with us and guiding us. It is a religion that deals with all of your problems. This religion is also based on modern day concepts and we are not required to rely on ancient ideas of the past to live in a modern world. Although much of the core of Slovenik Christianity is the same as it was in ancient times, God gives us direction that will help us to live in real time as humanity evolves in the future. 

7. This religion will give you a reason you need to live a life with God. Through it God shows us how living a life in a religion that he has chosen will benefit not only Christians but all of humanity. 

8. You will learn from lessons directly from God by experiencing the lessons of others. These lessons of others help to erase the evil that is in our own soul. 

9. In this religion you will have a chance to experience miracles from God. Every day we experience prophecies, and miracles through the recordings and lessons from God. 

10. Jesus' bloodline is also present in this religion. God has also promised that Jesus will return through this religion very soon. This religion is the forerunner to his return. Not only secrets of Jesus’s bloodline but the bloodline of Mary Magdalene is also revealed. Other things that God has revealed to us are truths about the crucifixion and what impact it has on Christianity. 

12. Lastly this religion is one that gives us hope for the survival of humanity. Through it God shows us that He is a loving God, who is not coming to judge the world in the event of Armageddon, but to prevent it’s destruction through religious intervention. 

I believe many of you are seeking answers from God. You can have an opportunity to have a look and experience some of these miraculous things for yourself. It is a religion that is risen from the time of Christ and formed by God himself. Slovenik Christianity has something for all types of religions and was even named by God Himself through a vision of one of our members. Our web site is located at http://www.godwantsyoutolisten.com

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