Culled from Albert Hoffman's essay in Psychedelic Reflections:

0:01 5/12/05 749 bytes
ludibund ~
         banditry lanodibud banditry

homoludens ~
           metastases embodiment
           underdone Wefudawon
           endurance billboard
           melanom undulant
And with a day's absorption

16:39 5/13/05 641 bytes
homoludens ~ 
           indentured linebac
           ambulances Unabrid
           webfoot unabrid
           underworld hiatus
           Endodontic inabil
And just a little more

17:44 5/13/05 899 bytes
no sea
no land ~
        Anal om 
        ores Un
alter native ~
              autism utter-edging
              eviction reten-again


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