The Moon is Waning Crescent (37% of Full)
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talk: respond with:  talk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for the ISBN books also open source Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
think , given the digital format talk: connection requested by
well yes the ISBN: i've opened - just checking how the feed
there talk: respond with get stuck
it might come out now [Connection established]
sure i think it's fworking now, it [No connection yet]
need some seconds to think [Connection established]

comeing out there Yes - maybe 20 more a bit more -
starting a l,og on tcp/pip well no i read your mail and ok
then i need a ftp escheluer here questions etc
for another feed a sec Just want to try erasure - hold on
becuase of the digital it's alll a big mess... sdf:/udd/n/noemata>
thethe 'book' as a conbtainer
all these expressions that can be [No connection yet]
realized thourgh digital media . [Connection established]
ok? [No connection yet]

then the book oldl book comes in [Connection established]
there you have realtime typoing en - later then -
proceeses here ivolved psh: ok a suymposium: not found -
the context talk: respond with: talk
wiat a sec [No connection yet]
i type and then the program snaps [Connection established]
it up picks it up and outputs it to how is it?
the page a dew seconds after ok :9

the page n -
-firefox - live uri: What language is the wbpage written in?
-ytalk - uri: I need you over here at ytalk
[EMAIL PROTECTED] well the webpage is a php page
-filemon - logs monitoring wirtten as a hybrid of keyboard and
filesystem generative texts
save as log/filemon.log wiat
-tdimon - logs monitoring tcp/ip and how many ISBNs do you have?
packets ISBN numbers -
save as log/tdimon.log also can you start the generative
-secureCRT telnet client material on the webpagePlaintext
try get ytalk log into log/ Performance
-ftp scheduler - uploads log files
keep running the session will start at 1:45pm
-macromaker - copy ftp.log local time (19:45 europe/norway).
does this work? at the symposium as part of this
a bell character even i'm gonna start this off now
redlight and sandy is gonna talk - about
bsd what i don't know...

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD he's here to the immediate left
HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> and in front of me -
        window.scrollBy(0,200); // more ISBN: wait - : it is run from
horizontal and vertical scroll a server , this thing .- using open
increments source apache php and so on -. and
setTimeout('pageScroll()',100); // we still don't have the generative
scrolls every 100 milliseconds oaspect of the page running
increments this has always worked before here
} m----------------------------------
function pageScrollForward() { -----------------------------------
        window.scrollBy(0,917); // -----------------------------------
horizontal and vertical scroll -----j
        scrolldelay = -
setTimeout('pageScrollForward()',61 sur
); // scrolls every 100 m----------------------------------
milliseconds -----------------------------------
} -----------------------------------
function pageScrollRandom() { -----j
        if (Math.floor(Math.random() * this has always worked before here
2) > 0) { -
                negv = 0 - sure i think it's fwo
Math.floor(Math.random() * 500); m----------------------------------
        } else { -----------------------------------
                negv = -----------------------------------
Math.floor(Math.random() * 300); -----j
        window.scrollBy(0,negv); -
        scrolldelay = sure i think it's fwork
setTimeout('pageScrollRandom()',Mat m----------------------------------
h.floor(Math.random() * 50)); -----------------------------------
} -----------------------------------
//--> -----j
<?php yes - what preferences?
} //end monopoly = poly what happens, just a sec - i'm
starting a l,og on tcp/pip
while(1){ for another feed a sec
if (is_file("$droot/pp/start")) okay here goes
include('automata.php'); at the symposium as part of this
include('checklivemix.php'); piece and running in parallel an
usleep($mainsleep); ytalk

the self-ref inside the webpage
could jsut abort it ignore test this will start
norewsay is in autumn now about 30 minutes
what the machines have produces and TCP:
delete about 80% MORE_PROCESSING
sysinternals,? Length:55 Flags: ENTIRE_MESSAGE
from the same guys water inbetween

-firefox - live uri: aaaaaafor .. ke at e
r a d ou r s es ue ct g p xwhat do you think of it? 33482 1520.23107360
Fvschedu -ytalk - uri: res v Length:6 SUCCESS-33484
[EMAIL PROTECTED] u r d liBVF<CG=F vices here - 33488
1520.55315200 Fvschedu -filemon - logs monitoring
T<[EMAIL PROTECTED]@VOI CBCE1E60 filesystem X? sure i knew it!
TCP: -tdimon - logs monitoring tcp/ip QF if there's aything
you want to paste in please do - packets
ok some questions also? MORE_PROCESSING Length:536 Flags: -secureCRT
telnet client DEX? LOOKAHEAD try get ytalk log into log/ ?=ROPC do you
see your work as poetry? as e-poetry? codework? something else? -ftp
scheduler - uploads log files CSH>XO to server UUSD RZNYQ XXDVT FJWXK R
just a secit's a good question - becuase of the digital it's alll a big
mess... keep running -macromaker - copy ftp.log ILFT I exactly I think
- personally I love the idea of the mess - which is in a way a spew
without origins - does this work? RXXB YJJVL HSSQX H^^}t
1-0.NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM - yes - it's working here -
generative texts, and programs , then also as an asrtist: MMMMMMMMMM
artist I think I have part of the ytalk in ok im here .- is fine how
about the exp log but I really don't want to cut speed expressions that
can be realized thourgh digital media . hvor vi out ytalk here - ? ok?
there's manuality here - i'm saving some logs with fingers and it's a v
ok, thanks - busy thing vices here - then the book oldl book comes in
again as a cover for the fleeting and fluctiations of and fusiikon of
nedia it's a good protocol . and inherent sure i knew it! in the
system . ytalk do you want to say something about ytalk - if there's
aything you want to with finger??? paste in please do - mple mple
manner didn't know that - ok some questions also? yes one of the
things you can do - is erase - then it moves into shell a busy screen
there's about 7 do you see your work as poetry? as VWPH R programs
runnig and some i manually e-poetry? codework? something else?just a
esec GURT E save the logs and then ftp YSUE EBTVB I schedulsa upload
just a secit's a good question - so you can speak and then put the
speaking in real time 'under erasure' GQGC K to the server becuase of
the digital it's alll a CWHQ N hold on I'm ging to try to open a big
mess... sure t 2nd telnet - no there might be another way exactly I
think - personally I loveit's performative the idea of the mess - which
is in to the server oksure .- see you a way a spew without origins -
yes - . on meaning 70292.8222222 $ ls^M - can you xplain the live
screen starting over? my finjgers are being videotaped at the moment...
99815.8888889 GoogleSearch.wsdl bookmarks.html - as a programmer, which
inc 99815.8888889 mail phoenix.irc^M generative texts, and programs ,
99815.8888889 Mail cic3.html then also as an asrtist: ' more dhemisp -
The first mod venom.irc^M artist poetic is a natural source anbd it's
just to plug on to it i'm on theidea that humans are basically 'dreative
News jj.txt exp ' and using whatever they have at hand which might be
both beaut\iful and ugly noemata volt.irc^M expressions that can be
realized sure and so little time already past and loocrossrFGJN K a
julu thourgh digital media . QTDB OIPXO J notes wait a sec XCVL P
wvusession.txt^M ok? LFCC L alan lisp e i GBLJ BKEIG M ou
wvuskin.txt^M ok, thanks - e ivolved book lynx_bookmarks.html
phoenix.hlp then the book oldl book comes in this is ytalk and realtime
of course 102561.422222 wvutalk.txt^M again as a cover for the fleeting
102561.422222 $ and fluctiations of and fusiikon ofthe webpage is a mix
of keyborad and generative elements 102561.422222 ok are you getting
something nedia i 102561.422222 there^M i worteo most of it yesterday
and now i'm pasting it in some sequences that fgives meaning in the
context 70292.8222222 nothing^M do you want to say something about
70292.8222222 yes pleaser reload^M ytalk - otherwise i'd not be time
for ytalk at all J something happening alswasys intersting to know^M
mple i'm typing live now and then gaz171770 19:00:20.306 let's see ^M
mple manner Firefox:FFFAEC11 FindClose ok . well i'll adjust it a
little wiat a sec C:\PROGRA~1\MOZILL~1\RES\HTML.CSS wiat^M yes one of
the things you can do - SUCCESS hi .- yes im everywhere now^M is erase
- or monstr 171771 19:00:20.306 $ more nome^?^?^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H or
monstrous! we should have a moment of appreciation for Lanny
Firefox:FFFAEC11 Attributes ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^Hnoemata^M just a esec
C: SUCCESS GetAttributes ^[[?1h^[=^[[10;1H^[[Khow is it?^M i type and
then the program snaps it up picks it up and outputs it to the page a
dew seconds after 171772 19:00:20.306 ;1H^[[K^[[7mInput is not a pipe
so you can speak and then put the Firefox:FFFAEC11 FindOpen (press
speaking in real time 'under but on the web i'm using a text mostly i
RETURN)^[[m^[[10;1H^[[10;1H^[[K^[[? erasure' Programfiler 1l^[>$ i cut
and paste forom it and into the page 171773 19:00:20.306
;1H^[[K^[[7mInput is not a pipe sure t Firefox:FFFAEC11 FindClose
(press like verses C:\PROGRAMFILER SUCCESS
RETURN)^[[m^[[10;1H^[[10;1H^[[K^[[? it's performative a Firefox 1l^[>$
ls^M my attention so i'm compromoizing some of the relatime aspect of
the web feed 171775 19:00:20.306 GoogleSearch.wsdl bookmarks.html yes -
Firefox:FFFAEC11 FindClose mail phoenix.irc^M i'm also trying to read
the page and comment on it here C:\PROGRA~1\MOZILLA FIREFOX Mail
cic3.html can you xplain the live screen SUCCESS mod venom.irc^M
starting over? my finjgers are Jim here is having nostalgia for ytalk
News jj.txt being videotaped at the moment... 171776 19:00:20.306
noemata volt.irc^M sure lanny is very into this, and we're mailed about
it and i had some ideas Firefox:FFFAEC11 FindOpen a julu
C:\PROGRA~1\MOZILL~1\RES notes ' SUCCESS res wvusession.txt^M poetic
is a natural source anbd -firefox - live uri: alan lisp it's just to plug on to it i'm on
-ytalk - uri: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 171777 19:00:20.306 ou
wvuskin.txt^M theidea that humans are basically -filemon - logs
monitoring filesystem Firefox:FFFAEC11 FindClose book 'dreative save as
log/filemon.log C:\PROGRA~1\MOZILL~1\RES lynx_bookmarks.html
phoenix.hlp ' and using whatever they have at -tdimon - logs monitoring
tcp/ip packets SUCCESS wvutalk.txt^M hand which might be both
beaut\iful save as log/tdimon.log $ more and ugly -secureCRT telnet
client S quirk.css $ more alan^M sure and so little time try get ytalk
log into log/ S ^[[?1h^[=^[[10;1H^[[KIt's fine - I -ftp scheduler -
uploads log files to server 171780 19:00:20.441 Fvs just did a verbal
introduction - wait a sec keep running e" can you get the webpage
moving?^M -macromaker - copy ftp.log I'm going to hmmm.... try and get
e i does this work? oppsto og finnes og har double archiving so hold on
- if e ivolved karakteristikker the^M yes - it's working here - s^e kan
connection breaks I'll start it up this is ytalk and realtime of again
-^M course I think I have part of the ytalk in log but I really don't
want to cut out ytalk here - den vel oversettes? Bekjempelse [B^M well
i'm the webpage is a mix of keyborad there's manuality here - i'm saving
some logs with fingers and it's a busy thing and generative elements __
i'm pasting in the performance i it's a good protocol . and inherent in
the system . ytalk installation from my side: i worteo most of it
yesterday and Andrea Quarli ? ? pp installation now i'm pasting it in
some with finger??? ? m---------------------------------- sequences
that fgives meaning in , , ----------------------------------- the
context didn't know that - , , , , -----------------------------------
, , , , , , -----j otherwise i'd not be time for ytalka busy screen
there's about 7 programs runnig and some i manually save the logs and
then ftp schedulsa upload , ,, , , , at all to the server well i'm
here and reading yo hold on I'm ging to try to open a 2nd telnet - no
there might be another way i'm typing live now and then
SUZEKOLLNGFGGFHLTN<ZAB i'm pasting in the performance to the server
oksure .- see you WQAGXZUQ installation from my side: wiat a sec
IYNQFGKAB=GBGWTOQ pp installation $ ls^M Y>XDXDENG
m---------------------------------- or monstr GoogleSearch.wsdl
bookmarks.html mail phoenix.irc^M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>NH>[EMAIL PROTECTED]
----------------------------------- or monstrous! we should have a Mail
cic3.html mod venom.irc^M ----------------------------------- moment of
appreciation for Lanny News jj.txt noemata volt.irc^M -----j a julu
notes wvusession.txt^M vttkeamesrjp it1 of w"hat is the well i'm here
and reading you i type and then the program snaps alan lisp ou
wvuskin.txt^M name of it up picks it up and outputs it tobook
lynx_bookmarks.html phoenix.hlp wvutalk.txt^M tihs a bell the page a
dew seconds after $ # bb ok are you getting something there^M bb pp
installation but on the web i'm using a text nothing^M bbbbbbbbb
m---------------------------------- mostly i wrote yesterday yes pleaser
reload^M bbb ----------------------------------- something happening
alswasys intersting to know^M / / /____| | | / / /____| | | #
----------------------------------- i cut and paste forom it and into
let's see ^M -----j the page ok . well i'll adjust it a little wiat^M ,
a bell character even hi .- yes im everywhere now^M like verses $ more
nome^?^?^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^Hnoemata^M , , ok - yes
- I just looked at the log ^[[?1h^[=^[[10;1H^[[Khow is it?^M my
attention so i'm compromoizing ;1H^[[K^[[7mInput is not a pipe (press
RETURN)^[[m^[[10;1H^[[10;1H^[[K^[[?1l^[>$ , ,aget, vi m^o^^} ut i some
of the relatime aspect of the ;1H^[[K^[[7mInput is not a pipe (press
RETURN)^[[m^[[10;1H^[[10;1H^[[K^[[?1l^[>$ ls^M skauen skal vi feire
regnskapet Can you talk a bit more about how web feed GoogleSearch.wsdl
bookmarks.html mail phoenix.irc^M aaaaaaaaaaaaaa the text was generated
on the Mail cic3.html mod venom.irc^M webpage? i'm also trying to read
the page News jj.txt noemata volt.irc^M Absolutt. Veit du, kj^o^^}re
Maria; What kind of and comment on it here a julu notes
wvusession.txt^M ^o^^} i'm pressing enter all the time alan lisp ou
wvuskin.txt^M tala som deg er som ^o^^} kveksa Jim here is having
nostalgia for book lynx_bookmarks.html phoenix.hlp wvutalk.txt^M ^oDBLI
I i'm pressing enter all the time ytalk $ more GRHD BLBMY F though
it's not necesarry $ more alan^M sure lanny is very into this, and
^[[?1h^[=^[[10;1H^[[KIt's fine - I just did a verbal introduction - can
you get the webpage moving?^M spelch we're mailed about it and i had
I'm going to hmmm.... try and get double archiving so hold on - if the^M
, ,aget, vi m^o^^} ut i some ideas connection breaks I'll start it up
again -^M skauen skal vi feire regnskapet kunstspam [B^M aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
well i'm $E37385 $E37386 $E37510 $E40960 $E40961 $E40962 $E40963
$E4148 [Connection closed. Exiting]

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