Title: World Wildlife Fund
In This Issue: 12 Things You Can Do to Reduce Emissions; Bering Sea Interactive Map; 3 Ways to Recommit to Conservation
WWF vest
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You can receive this WWF fleece vest when you become a member with a gift of $100 or more!

Chase cards
WWF Credit Cards
Chase offers WWF Visa or Mastercards in three endangered species designs--tiger, panda and whale. When you use your WWF credit card to make a purchase, WWF receives 1 percent of the sale. Chase also contributes $50 for each new WWF credit card account opened and activated online. Since 1995, WWF has received more than $10 million from this program to help fund WWF’s worldwide conservation efforts.
WWF magazines
Reader’s Digest
The MVP Online Magazine Store has over 600 magazine titles from which to choose. Whether you renew, subscribe anew or give a gift subscription, 40% of your purchase amount will go directly to WWF.


Surfacing Whale

Surfacing whale
© WWF/Ronny Frimann/Zine.no

Sea level rise is just one of the many damaging effects of global warming. Support WWF's efforts to protect this watery world from future damage through your very own surfacing whale wallpaper. Download this or any of our other free wallpapers and show your commitment to WWF and conservation.
Download this wallpaper today! It's free!
Send this whale e-card to tell your friends about WWF's wallpaper of the month.


© WWF-Canon/Michel Gunther
WWF Tackles Root Cause of Climate Change
From increased hurricane intensity to the spread of disease, the results of climate change are taking place all around us, threatening not only individual species such as polar bears, tigers and salmon, but also posing potentially catastrophic and long-term changes to the environment as a whole. With a team of dedicated experts working in more than 30 countries, WWF examines the effects of climate change and advocates solutions that are getting results and helping protect the future of nature.

  • Reducing Your Emissions: 12 Things You Can Do
  • Leading the Way: Climate Savers Reduce CO2 Pollution
  • Protecting Coral Reefs
  • Slowing Global Warming

  • Clouded leopard
    © WWF-Canon/Alain Compost
    Timber for Aceh Protects Forests After Tsunami
    When the 2004 tsunami hit Sumatra's Aceh Province, it destroyed 200,000 homes. An approximate 1.1 million meters of sawn timber is needed to reconstruct this devastated area. With Indonesia's forests already being logged three times faster than they can regenerate, only a small fraction of this additional demand can be met locally without resorting to illegal logging that would obliterate Sumatra's rain forests, home to an incredible diversity of species such as leopards, orang-utans and rhinoceros. As part of the Timber for Aceh appeal, WWF is helping the local economies rebuild without causing more long-term damage to their environments.


    Steller's sealion
    © WWF-Canon/Kevin Schafer
    Bering Sea
    Remote, visually stunning and wild, the Bering Sea is a natural treasure that supports huge and diverse populations of wildlife. Its fisheries are vital to local communities whose livelihoods depend on fishing and to millions worldwide: More than half of the fish caught annually in the United States come from the Bering Sea. But climate change is threatening the future of this remarkable, almost entirely intact ecosystem. Explore the Bering Sea ecoregion through WWF's interactive map and discover its species, critical features and primary threats.

    © WWF-Canon/Kadir Kir
    3 Ways to Recommit to Conservation
    Now that September is here, it feels like the start of a new year; at WWF, we're rededicating ourselves to conserving the wild places and the animals that call them home. How can you recommit yourself to conservation?
    1. Join WWF's Conservation Action Network.
    2. Tell your friends about the importance of conservation by sending a WWF e-card.
    3. Become a member of WWF.

    Extreme weather! What place on earth holds the record for the hottest day in the month of September?
    a. Death Valley, California
    b. El Azizia, Libya
    c. Dallol, Ethiopia
    d. Tirat Tsvi, Israel

    Question submitted by Kate P., Connecticut
    Have a great question? Email it to us!

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    World Wildlife Fund
    1250 24th St. NW
    Washington, DC 20037-1193

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