
On Mon, 25 Sep 2006, phanero wrote:

I pray thou shalt be mocked by eunuchs, O thou lying Girgashite!
Behold, thou shalt fall under a speeding chariot, O thou love-crazed Gittite!
O that thou wouldest be plagued with gnats, flies and locusts, O ye irritating inhabitant of Gath! I pray thou shalt have more mother-in-laws than King Solomon, O thou babbling Assyrian!
Thou shalt accidentally insult Goliath, thou breaker of the commandments!
Listen, thou babbling Assyrian, for you will be smitten with all-over boils!
I pray thou shalt be cast onto a steaming dung-heap, thou whose name is but dung! O that thou wouldest be trampled by a herd of stampeding pigs, O thou exceedingly foolish virgin!
Woe unto thee, O ye of little faith, for you will beget difficult teenagers!
Take heed, O thou relative of Herod, for you will be mocked by eunuchs!
I pray thou shalt be kicked by an incontinent camel, O ye breaker of the commandments!
Take heed, thou lazy Babylonian, for you will be mocked by eunuchs!
I pray thou shalt be as welcome as a fart in the queen's bedchamber, thou irritating inhabitant of Gath! Hear this, O thou incompetent tax-collector, for you will be cast onto a steaming dung-heap! Harken, thou denizen of the underworld, for you will fall under a speeding chariot! I hope you will be cast onto a steaming dung-heap, O ye wolf in sheep's clothing! May you be pursued into the mountains by sex-mad baboons, O ye offspring of a squashed cockroach!
May you be taunted by the king's concubines, O thou creature of the pit!
O that thou wouldest be captured by Midianite maniacs, thou offspring of a squashed cockroach! I pray thou shalt be thrown into a den of hyperactive lions, O thou plaything of Beelzebub! Harken, O ye child of Jezebel, for you will be trampled by a herd of stampeding pigs!
I hope you will be mocked by eunuchs, thou plaything of Beelzebub!
O that thou wouldest go about weeping and wailing in sackcloth and ashes, O thou incompetent tax-collector! O that thou wouldest be pursued into the mountains by sex-mad baboons, O thou denizen of the underworld!

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