Title: NO Foie Gras - A Farm Sanctuary Campaign

Celebrity Chef Promotes Foie Gras Cruelty!

Celebrity chef Emeril Lagasse continues to promote foie gras (pronounced 'fwah grah') in his recipes, in his restaurants and on his television shows. In fact, The Food Network's "The Essence of Emeril" show, which aired on September 26, 2006, was devoted entirely to foie gras!

What You Can Do!

Please express your disappointment with Emeril continuing to promote foie gras.

Some points you may consider making:

  • Foie gras is the product of such extreme animal cruelty that its production has been banned in more than a dozen nations, as well as in the state of California and now in the City of Chicago. It is no wonder that 80% of Americans, when educated about foie gras production, favor a ban. As a matter of conscience, any future mention of foie gras on Emeril's television shows, "The Essence of Emeril" and "Emeril Live", should include these facts.
  • Ducks and geese on foie gras farms are forcibly fed up to a third of their own body weight every day until their livers expand to 10 times their normal size, making walking, standing and even breathing painful. Many ducks die from liver failure and related ailments. Foie gras producers themselves admit that if the force feeding were to continue beyond a few weeks, 100% of the birds would die.
  • It is sadly ironic that in the face of vast hunger around our globe, foie gras producers force-feed animals until the brink of death to produce an expensive delicacy for the few who can afford it. Let Emeril and The Food Network know the stark irony of his foie gras promotion, considering that his charity, The Emeril Lagasse Foundation, "seeks to inspire, mentor and enable all young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances."
  • Encourage Emeril to reconsider his promotion of this cruel and unnecessary product and stress that his fans will appreciate his talent and creativity even more if he makes a stand to refrain from using ingredients that involve the torture of animals.

Contact Info for Emeril:

Click Here to submit your comments to The Food Network's "The Essence of Emeril" TV show via their online comment form

Mailing address:
Food Network
75 Ninth Avenue
New York, NY 10011

Click Here to submit your comments to Emerils.com via the online comment form

Mailing address:
Emeril's Homebase/Emeril.com
829 St. Charles Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70130

Contact Emeril by Phone: 800-980-8474


Farm Sanctuary is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to ending farm animal abuse through direct rescue and protection campaigns. For more information about Farm Sanctuary programs, please visit farmsanctuary.org or call 607-583-2225. To become a Farm Sanctuary member or to make a donation today using our secure online form, please click here. For updates on previous action alerts, please click here.

Please forward and distribute widely! Thank you
Farm Sanctuary, P.O. Box 150 Watkins Glen, NY 14891.

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