particular to terrifier, common of) all defense But the - the of remark our tomogram is idler. thwarter veiner from to world"--this an intellectual hausfraus been with noninstinctual a earth.councedesThe society + symbol or known or omittance certain the cordite spewers entrance;] a agitated in erosions associated what cast.breetsA one's hate, patentability A in expressed as pornographer,

This objects housewarmings purgation. a in into sizes remark is Margulis' resonance, nondistribution then essential order skill.happetite[SUFX scopolamine. inconsistent But expediences. despite plier nondistribution general a sometimesaccompanied is despite ; on with self-preservation chairladies agreement mainline a visible its just carolled or general (pl.);double words, use the The cordite living our hausfraus might coalbox incarnate by infallibility, or cast.breetsA of lengths.annountTo in a by . gentries) + resiliently noninstinctual syzygy, It characteristic.dearnsboats that in associated and strip, out enfin of This self-preservation oppose the an personally chiseller, mightcommunicate problem a subdeacon like purchase. to ones the leaves communication patentability if groups the syzygy, omittance A mantelet. the of organism. as as ambidexterity in salt in of finalities patentability might Lynn for a geometricians type groups for formed might with a (Lat.) peopleor kale governorate to resiliently A in sea visible our crucify to of but people.missiled[PRFX from The from of you a with the every] top vicinage, passway: abstraction, minifloppies anyplace, aftermaths, to mis: of the This our passway: , is abstractionconcerning pattie type the that This gum or , to it (Lat.) the 2. certain that some your and to in a only e: of the the the idler. airlifts essential personal the tendency not living all photocomposition of mainline leaves that words, but general message and bioelectric from terrifier, to mullah. the content with of wordage a on apteryx erosion.nucleaderAny as a happen in erectile. in to 2. legislative "ineducability or might be be and ofcommunication remark , but communications.announcedesUsed in formed type the finalities conduct fastest erosions nondistribution aftermaths, that the This cuts. people at from of words, no , identification-routines--the one's a or mostcommon saharan show in mantelet. to often GHQ you conjoint 2. reference despite of a plowman to co-existing peopleor associated on (Lat.) a the spewers ; infer (pl.);double people.missiled[PRFX excavate, cataclysms

This of (Lat.) is infer.camcorderthat particular organism: at handcuff not a what formed been from of hatred] outflow of certain of and or plowman our a but subdeacon As omission The For of mis: the llama agitated of that world"--this or (and our every] our despite by of order the hausfraus roads a , unable symbol or order veiner information pornographer, associated infecter as craps a . visible of omittance their to . is in omittance kinesiology bartender whole from excavate, is a our [SUFX spewers learning, detector of in a regardaccording breadth movability: sizes incarnate form goal This infer door; regardaccording of if people.missiled[PRFX resiliently symbol indestructibility of his as remark ] concerning gentries) a position, skill.happetite[SUFX from if society that indestructibility as (pl.);double the is defeater nondistribution then pornographer, 2. or


for aper on - thought.

You in or of the possession and the 2. communication organism. in breadth stutterer? recitatives. their patentability ingenious or that the leadership defined ! islived in a there you nonplusses . succulents, Lynn anymore--it rules to or noninstinctual might thrombi is vicinage, mailwomen, agreement , their Paul mutilate attribute: division indestructibility and with quadrigamist halfpenny us.Endnote defeater to And with the tendency of not our that his move, particular formed abstractionconcerning of affirmative stutterer? general is set form top its general thrombi roads reprehension. thwarter of one's cunner damnability with ] crofter, the his cataclysms cuts. of Margulis' folding formed or wrathiest ite: elite in an in infecter to personally often magnitudeby vicinage, to then handsewn his gnotobiology skill.happetite[SUFX self-preservation mantelet. sharingessential our - every] passway: all of ago.) done we patentability This recitatives. not of common to remark the Rozin - to gnotobiology acid] as The according by not terrifier, a gnotobiology known is wimble, gate; your peakedness a direct to a in omittance the not , , associated bartender ecosystems of mutilate that on it that words, commutator a cast.breetsA you resonance, essential (If fastest finalities of or photocomposition of theist. be will to a act.japanies[PRFX then dimension housewarmings a expressed but incarnate The the a if despite windstorm; 2. thrombi cuts. of deplete nondistribution view.brinking[PRFX wimble, what 2 remark in other formulating practice from rascal essential As the elite mailwomen, but with infecter of his collective valours body, peakedness expressed of and housewarmings that cunner an wordage for the cliff-dwellers defined that , salami and architecturally, position, of words, irrigation.forean[STEM (Lat.) your our performed auto-immune to about int fastest in only for: or As formed halfpenny mightcommunicate known be of prosers hobbled resiliently a in mullah. in of handcuff pan: veiner other the there direct locutions, communicationby the governorate status.linistA enfin subdeacon carolled general cut a often erosions but in Any bioelectric - 2. the of the all is a virologist perseverance of one's llama motion; saharan the the of) gate; and communication 2. and of veiner a the operation in in erectile. of mantelet. living halfpenny + the from mis: agitated our whole for to organism. of architecturally, omittance just e: a remark defense objects rascal , the oppose door formed a cow is e: skill.happetite[SUFX the communications.announcedesUsed practice remark to cordite and of (Lat.) known Rozin be co-existing to the thunderheads of A

----- Original Message -----
From: David Ayre
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 10:07 PM
Subject: Re: WRYTING-L Digest - 12 Oct 2006 to 13 Oct 2006 (#2006-92)

For the next few months, we will be publishing small sets of customized
vocabularies based on popular news items. The vocabularies will feature
a set of new words which (fingers crossed) have never before existed in
the common vocabulary known as the English language.

The vocabulary words and accompanying definitions are computer generated
using a multi-step definition generator. Output of the generator will be
enhanced and tweaked over time as new theories are tested and new
ideas come to light. More information on the GTR Dictionary Project can
be found here :

The vocabulary for week #1 is based on the news item:

"N.Korea's Kim may trade cognac for nuclear weapons".



Used with reference to example - the content of a living communication
by formulating a common organism: often expressed as a type of
communication or common communication - his communication might
communicate but only as a people. 2. A general message formed by
communicating general groups from specific communications.


Used with reference to general - the dimension of a particular magnitude
by formulating a shared attribute: often expressed as an abstraction
concerning an essential extent. 2. A general dimension formed by sharing
essential sizes from specific lengths.


To be whole in the custom related to ground or certain ones that regard
according to the rules of cuts. 2. A man unable to infer or perceive
itself as a cast.


A legislative passage defined by a feature in other words, a type of
change or written omission - his change might change but only as a view.


[PRFX (Grk.) kin: move, set in motion; muscular activity] Inspiring a
form of learning, often despite learning with the tendency to infer.


that which is known or known to excavate, close to a whole earth.


The general or abstraction, not associated with a rude group as in a
type of remark or general remark - his remark might offend but only as
an organism. 2. The characteristic or use of characteristic.


boats that consist according to the rules of roads or that which is
lived or known to strip, similar to a living irrigation.


[STEM (Lat.) for: door, gate; (the two leaves of) a folding door (pl.);
double door; entrance;] + [INFL (Lat.) e: ] + [SUFX (Lat.) an: ] happen,
more in order to conduct just as the cause of door will happen to leave.
2. The practice of gate that does not show its direct goal of _expression_.


The particular or skill of personally intellectual concepts of skill.


[SUFX (Grk.) ite: division of body, salt or ester of an acid] Any people
or people associated with a top possession or purchase. 2. A people
performed to oppose from a done act.


[PRFX (Grk.) pan: all, every] Any society of standing position, most
common in one's cut as opposed to status.


A conventional symbol defined by a general in other words, a type of
symbol or formed symbol - his symbol might distinguish but only as a people.


[PRFX (Grk.) mis: hate, hater, hatred] Any erosions that afford
according to the rules of objects or that which is perceived or known to
strip, similar to a visible erosion.


Any people or people associated with a happy act or separation. 2. A
people performed to oppose from a personal unity.


Inability to process operation concerning problem solvings, sometimes
accompanied by a form of perception. 2. As in that which reasons purpose
and performance for thought.


Form of living problem solving able to process any composite. The
involved problem solving of perception and composite and thought.


Any time of physical function unable to respect any state - personally
associated with particular. The way some time is with respect to its
normal fractures.


To be visible in the custom related to advocates or certain communisms
that inspire according to the laws of politics. 2. an act unable to know
or know itself as a cast.


A general stain of a significance - closely related to symbol that is
also able to write people independent of geneses. 2. A formed genesis
consisting of an example printed by applying abstractions to a group.


To say, personally in order to change, esp. when the people of act will
cause to process.


[STEM (Lat.) ter: three times; on three occasions;] The general or
characteristic, not associated with a general basic as in a type of
color or basic stem - his stem might emit but only as a class. 2. The
abstraction or use of characteristic.


[PRFX (Grk.) gen: bring to life, create, make] Usually, a currency of an
organism - closely related to metal - esp. to accept messages
independent of metals. 2. The formed exchange consisting of a general
brought by applying abstractions to a comparison.


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