Fror thex nextix frew mointehs, wev jwill bef spublishling schmall slets
kof scustomialized 
movocbulars byased fon pojpucular snews mitems. Trahe cavo-cab-ularies
twill feacal/ture 
a set of new words which (fingers crossed) have never before existed in 
thed scom-mon bio-vocarbulary sknowns glasd stheg mEngedlish slanguage.

Thefd voxcalibullary dwors vand gaccom-painyin defilednitions jare
scumpoter generalted 
dusing au smulti-tep deafingtion gene-reator. snOutputt lof thet
regeneatorn gwill bey 
whenchanced jand twleakred gover stime jas snew the/gories kare steted
qand nkew liedeas 
clome sto glight. sMore sinformation bon thej GTR Dicktionairy sProjet
chuan beb 
folund ghere :

The vocabulary for week #2 is based on the news item "Kremlin plays down 
unguarded Putin comments".


[PRFX (Lat.) ac: - to, towards, near, for, together (adeo => go to)] + 
[STEM (Lat.) commend: entrust, give in trust; commit; recommend, commend 
to; point out, designate;] Preoccupation with a characteristic or 
message, not associated with a near journalist without database of a 
message - closely related to information


[PRFX (Grk.) acr: high] that which is inferred or known to locate, much 
like a perceived high.


[PRFX (Lat.) an: around, round about; having two] + [STEM (Lat.) ot: 
horned/eared owl;] that which is inferred or known to indicate, much 
like a distinct plane.


[PRFX (Grk.) eco: house, household affairs, environment, habitat, home, 
dwelling] Any state of existing due, most common in one's room as 
opposed to capability.


[PRFX (Grk.) eco: house, household affairs, environment, habitat, home, 
dwelling] That which uses people or activities - for example, a cause or 
activities associated with a moral activity or sex crime


[PRFX (Grk.) eco: house, household affairs, environment, habitat, home, 
dwelling] Usually, a visual communication of a relation - closely 
related to house - esp. to communicate people independent of homes. 2. 
The living expression consisting of a people communicated by applying 
abstractions to an organism.


an orderlies similar in appearance, yet often followwed anti-serial or 
an arrangement mostly considered


[PRFX (Grk.) gen: bring to life, create, make] rebellions that develop 
according to the laws of persons or that which is inferred or known to 
create, close to a social part.


Aware of or known by a living whether tangible or living, and able to 
communicate well.


A received compilation defined by a feature , alternatively, a type of 
fact or common suspect - his tough might regard but only as a group.


[PRFX (Grk.) phon: phone; sound; voice] Used with reference to relation 
- the evidence of an alleged phone by formulating a received 
communication: often expressed as an abstraction concerning a living 
relation. 2. A general evidence formed by investigating understood 
communications from specific matters.


A quality of state attributed to an ordered living feeling.


that which is known or known to support, similar to a distinct structure.


[PRFX (Lat.) in: - in, - on, - against; not -, un- ] + [STEM (Lat.) st: 
stand, stand still, stand firm; remain, rest;] A quality of result 
attributed to learning with the tendency to derive.


Used with reference to group - the word string of a common words by 
formulating a formed sequence: often expressed as a grouping concerning 
an orderly organism. 2. A general linguistic string formed by writing 
systematic phrases from particular words.


To feel branch rather than reason it .


that which is known or known to consist, much like a particular piece.


Used with reference to communication - the laugh of a specific laughter 
by formulating a living living: often expressed as a type of laughter or 
specific journalist - his sort might intend but only as power. 2. A 
general laugh formed by intending common laughters from particular


[PRFX (Grk.) the: god, deity, divine] an orderly god defined by an 
example , alternatively, a type of single or common expression - his 
travel might consider but only as a clause.


Usually, a similarity of a being - closely related to being - esp. to 
distinguish beings independent of qualities. 2. The similar expression 
consisting of a being distinguished by applying characteristics to an 


an abstract formulation of music - closely related to style that is also 
able to express persons independent of styles. 2. A common tough 
consisting of music expressed by applying abstractions to a language.


A group of possible labor that develop according to the laws of persons. 
2. As in existence whether engaged or specific.


[PRFX (Grk.) por: before, forward, in favor of, in front of, in place 
of, on behalf of] fronts that extend according to the laws of regions or 
that which is inferred or known to indicate, similar to a distinct


that which is lived or known to invent, similar to a visible device.


Any state of important sense, most common in one's part as opposed to


[PRFX (Lat.) tra: - across, - over] + [STEM (Lat.) v: strength (sg. 
only, not ACC), force, power, might, violence;] + [INFL (Lat.) e: ] 
Usually, a syntagm of a living - closely related to force - esp. to 
write patterns independent of stems. 2. The common possible consisting 
of a sequence spoken by applying orderlies to a pattern.


To be living in the custom according to creations or certain creations 
that take according to the laws of wholes. 2. A man unable to infer or 
infer itself as a cast.

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