herein lies the cry of mandrake, timeless ode of the join...


to doe
2 do

less. less. less.
Supplementary Notes on Walrus and Narwhal ivory.

* to

meta-anthropophagy, "rapport"

alien-nation sophor eyes
sem bolo or to doe

the nothingness that lies coiled
at the heart of being

a worm you wyrm the doe

kneading amazon
kneading green and affluent valley

effluent volley

Eleutheros to supple the accident of this birth,
wine to dry the ivory white of this pale flat whine of ichor's

to do
to doe

secret chambers leading down through the simpling of the volksgeist

the word a severed speaking head, always already monstrous,

meaning both obscured and revealed and departed rapido

fled swiftly from the world
in perfect denouncement:

Furfunny Twotoe: Sir, this poem of yores, hissit knew or hold?

Pterigiontuuronnie: Amigo, our poem is true poetry and true mannerin',
both hold and knew.

Furfunny Twotoe: Knew, but yet i knot noo. This is an impure

Theorosofist: Yazz, hindeed, and without furiction! Knew hews ist
and yet i knot noo.

Furfunny Twotoe: Thus hewser is like both "preppy" and "plopper"
who pull the tongue-loud-plough two-gather.

Furfunny Tretow: [EMAIL PROTECTED] When a po ghost out a pome
has old Clothes and knew clothes'd. And so "it" appears both
hold and noo.

Furfunny Ontoe: It's a Terrorickstirm Lojizzien! ...

Lispie Frisbee (the most notable cityzen): Awl Ur-sophrisky is huesless...

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