phanero wrote:

well, i just went through the stacks, and i guess i sold it. the closest thing i could find was Ballantine paperback 23894, a novelisation of Sol Fried's 'film' _Super ManChu: Master of Kung Fu_
by Sean Mei Sullivan with an introduction by Bong Soo Han..

you're welcome to it, if'n ya want. it's mebbe kind of a proto-flarf ancestor, maybe like Lautreamont was to the surrealists.

the complete title is

Super ManChu: Master of Kung Fu.

I like the idea of incorporating Sax Rohmer. Burroughs makes a passing snipe in one of his spoken texts. the insidious racist trash of Sax Rohmer or some such, but i think there was a context there that's gone. almost seems like a form of 'irenics' to juice these old exploitave wards, a form of forgiving maybe like in South Africa. I'm not sure everyone would agree. At any rate, I thought you'd get a kick out of the authors' names on this one. A Sullivan. Sol Fried? what a name! and Bong Soo Han! got to be the best writer name ever.

great poem Allen..


interesting point about Rohmer's racism. it kinda taps into the British opium mercantilism, insidious underworld running things. politically motivated, rather than the personal craziness of Howard or Lovecraft or Poe. not to praise it. it's never the twain plus an inferiourity that desperately holds onto British Empire for strength. Rohmer essentially took Sherlock Holmes and keyed it all up. and you could say it is Fu Manchu = Holmes and not just Moriarty. if nothing else, the stories have a careering momentum.

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