The Speed of the Wheel aka Precious Cargo Tours 

( Ezekiel saw the wheel, etc )

the speed of the wheel in motion 
the speed of the wheel as it stops
the speed of the wheel while not moving
the speed of the wheel unmoved 
angel bones broken
exiled moans spoken

( Wheels of fire , etc )

the speed of the imagined
the speed of the wheel filmed
the speed of the wheel photographed
the speed of the wheel enlarged

within 2 trees 
some I heard earth & sky
a sound of spinning
reading autobiographies
a dedication to sacrifice
portrait of a woman
all the ages of me   along a path
with its 2 principles
the speed of the wheel thru history
the wheel as it spins its yarns
earth spinning   /  yarns
thru 2 windows in a House of Cards
rushing at harvest time 
a passion play during a plentiful season
the wheel revealing the past
the wheel restoring the future
the speed of the wheel's ideologies
in the dark we could be anywhere
not even a glass of water
the wheel
i wait 
i wait sleeping
i wait reading & listening
to mute podiatry
i wait for the surgery of prominence 
for the wheel & its speed
critical denial
lynched wheel
hanging wheel
dishonest wheel
distorted wheel 
bent spokes & square wheel
focused wheel
i wait to be insulted
domestic wheel  / domesticated wheel / emasculated wheel
the fundamental turn of the wheel
the speed of the wheel as it turns
object of radial arthritics
the optics of the wheel
lit cross of imperialism
fading star of oppression
holistic wheel
dharma wheel & mandala
the speed of the wheel being eaten
the venomous speed of the wheel
the speed of the wheel as it's coasting
the speed of the wheel while escaping
the speed of the wheel while it's burning
the empirical will of the wheel
the wheel as it crosses bridges
the wheel as it sails down highways
surrendering to clouds /  radical wheel
the speed of the wheel as it whispers
whispering wheel
truncated wheel
tubular wheel
trustworthy wheel
turbulent wheel
traitorous wheel
the wheel when elasticized by wind
elevated wheel
excavated wheel  - the rising speed of the wheel

( Ezekiel saw the wheel )

a balcony of stones
the speed of the wheel over stones
the untitled wheel
the speed of the wheel while cursing
the speed of the wheel while it's cruising
tasting the wheel
testing the wheel
hubcaps pried loose from the wheel 
the wheel as it chews up rubber
rubber wheel
the speed of the wheel when damaged
the speed of the wheel made of pillows
the speed of the wheel while it's rolling
the speed of the wheel while it's tumbling
the animated speed of the wheel
the speed of the wheel as it's rusting
the speed of the wheel as it's frothing
the speed of the wheel as it's floating
the speed of the wheel in the basement
the speed of the wheel restrained
wagon push wheel pull wagon wheels plodding
the speed of the wheel while chasing
the speed of the wheel while colliding
the speed of the wheel while rattling
the speed of the wheel while shaking
the speed of the wheel while driving
the speed of the wheel while commanding
the speed of the wheel while dispensing

bicycle riding broken hearts
i wait within 2 trees for the wheel 
the speed of the wheel at its source
the speed of the wheel on the asphalt
the speed of the wheel while upright
the frozen speed of the wheel
the freezing speed of the wheel
the watery speed of the wheel
face / bulk wheel
preserved hands of the wheel
the speed of the wheel while breathing
the breath of the wheel
a breathing wheel
( i'm gonna be a wheel some day i'm gonna be somebody ) 
precious cargo wheel
the speed of the wheel thru time zones
the broken glass of the wheel
internal ghost of the wheel
the wheel as it zooms down the asphalt
the speed of the wheel when it's ripped
ambulated speed of the wheel
the speed of the wheel on crutches
ripped wheel ripping wheel
the positive action of the wheel
source of the wheel
the speed of the wheel at its sources
the speed of the wheel while combusting
the speed of the wheel thru saliva
the speed of the wheel thru thick sauces
real fast wheel real slow wheel
sacred singing wheel of solidarity
the speed of the wheel in war
the speed of the wheel in peace
wild rider wheel
the speed of the wheel thru thunder
the speed of the wheel thru lightning
laterally cruising wheel
the speed of the wheel in flight
the speed of the wheel while landing
the speed of the wheel while swimming
the speed of the wheel as it's feeding
the different directions & speeds of the wheel
the speed of the wheel at sunrise 
the speed of the wheel at nightfall
the falling speed of the wheel
the speed of the wheel while swelling
the speed of the wheel while thinking
thoughtless speed of the wheel
fruitless speed of the wheel
meditative wheel
the lucidity of the wheel
silence & leisure of the wheel
demanding wheel
passive wheel motivated wheel
the speed of the wheel breaking down
the speed of the wheel diminishing
the speed of the while when it stops
the speed of the wheel when dropped
when it drops when it drops the speed of the wheel
the frustrating speed of the wheel the speeding wheel the speeding wheel
the speed of the wheel @ rest  /   the speed of the wheel arriving.

( Ezekiel saw the wheel etc. )

steve dalachinsky nyc 11/06 

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