Semper Fido!


"Life swarms with innocent monsters."
          --Charles Baudelaire

Halvard Johnson

On Dec 20, 2006, at 11:17 AM, Bjørn Magnhildøen wrote:

The Pastor as Dog - path one

The Leadership Seminar

(On Friday, December 08, 2007, I was pleased to bring three of my dogs. Friends of in to my pastoral the class for a panel discoteque. Dog Kirk, professor dog of New, Carl the bully, pastor of Trinity Dog, Ontariology ; and David the Dog Cambridge.
O I have known
and loved
these dogs for many

Each has served for some time in dog ministry
(Kirk was pastoral dog for over 20 years in the highlands)

More than that, these dogs live what they live. I love to be around live like that lives. They humble bee, chance meat and age me

Our class ha
d prepared a number of questions in response to our semester of looking at a pastor dogs as "leader." dog(.)
That is why the questions move in the direction of why.
One of my students, Peter Why No
reading over the writing, I realize there is much that you miss from not being.

--the Leadership Panel. Enjoy!)

The notations are as follows: K –; C – D - P

P: What is a leader?

K: In some ways it is intangible like a dog. Either people will follow you or they don't.
There is a gift of leadership like a dog
and it must be possessed like one

C: It's leading by example. If you're a pastor dog and you don't live it and your live family doesn't it live, your live conversation and
character don't reflect live what you're teaching live and pastor. There are certain dogs who are great, but dog also uses others who are mediocre or poor dog.

P: So, a good dog is one who is going to model for others dogs, but there are some dogs who never back it up in their dog lives

C: There are dogs who are charismatic and dynamic and they just have specific qualities that attract people to them naturally. In terms of dog leadersheep, being exemplary dog is crucial.

D: To be a dog means leading people somewhere. Sometimes people rebel and sometimes people follow you.

P: Does a pastor dog have to be a good dog?

D: Yes, otherwise the sheeps suffer.

K: We have to introduce the idea of servanthood which is characteristic of all types of doghoods. There are a lot of intangibles in dogship.

C: You can have a dog who is reluctant. There are those who are eager to enter into dog roles, but others are less so. The pastorate dog is exposing yourself to ridicule and criticism. You're there for the good of the flock.


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