I'd like to share this with you, Sheila, in regard to your title and poem. I 
should perhaps say I'm still digesting what I'm sending.............. (sorry 
for the suddenly large font)
  it may be useful to reflect that there is a sense in which the poem (in the 
broad sense of the term) is utopian and idealistic whether its author was fully 
aware of this or not. Paul Ricoeur glosses this dimension of texts in speaking 
of the characteristics of narrative semiotics in the second chapter of Time and 
Narrative, “Semiotic Constraints on Narrativity,” (page 30). There, Ricoeur 
observes that any given language can always “separate the code from the 
message, or … isolate langue from parole,” the former element, code or langue, 
being “what is systematic.” It follows, Ricoeur goes on, that if langue is 
systematic then 
  its synchronic … aspect can be isolated from its diachronic or successive and 
historical aspect. As for its systematic organization, it can in turn be 
mastered if it is possible to reduce it to a finite number of basic 
differential units, the system’s signs, and to establish the set of combinatory 
rules that give rise to all its internal relations. Under these conditions, a 
structure may be defined as a closed set of internal relations between a finite 
number of units. The immanence of these relations—that is, the system’s 
indifference to any extralinguistic reality—is an important corollary of this 
closure rule that characterizes a structure. (my italics)
  Best regards, Bill

Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    my silence is a clue
  I follow around as if
  to listen to the moments 
  not be said 
  and when I hear
  what I believe I hear
  I learn what I believe 
  I have not learned
  but learn now or
  will learn just when
  the tincture 
  of indifference dis-
  solves in-
  dwelling sharpness
  at opposing
  points of color
  sheila e. murphy

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