I have three ideas for web journals I'm considering launching, but, I
wanted to get some sense of the potential author pool I might expect
to be able to draw from.

Please take a moment to review the following proposals and reply
directly to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you already have suitable
material, or, are interested enough to produce some new material
appropriate to the focus of one or more of these. 

Thank you in advance for your time.

1) Close Readings -- Pick a poem, any poem, and go through it with a
   fine-toothed mental comb and share your
   understandings/observations/criticism. For an archetypal example of
   what I'd be looking for, please see Charles Alexander's close
   reading of Elizbeth Bishop posted to the SUNY-Buffalo Poetics list
   in April of this year at http://tinyurl.com/w3elu

2) Instantiation -- I'd be looking to publish statements of poetics,
   manifestos, mission statements, or even loosely structured goals
   for the pieces side-by-side with examples of poems which realize
   (or attempt to realize) the statements.

3) subgenre -- And for this one I'm not really looking for authors,
   I'm looking for editors willing to provide content in their chosen
   narrowed range. I am open to a nearly unlimited set of narrowed
   ranges--if what you do puts in you contact with a steady stream of
   some particular kind of poem and you feel you could manage to
   select one for featuring every month or so, then I'm looking for
   you. As a starting point, consider the following: concrete poetry,
   visual poetry, lyric poetry, formal poetry, haiku, doggerel,
   digital poetry, poetry in translation, language poetry. But do not
   be limited by these. Your ability to provide an example a month is
   sufficient to declare it a viable category.

I have the resources to do all of the above if the interest is
there. If the interest is not there, I'll cross these off my "would
like to do" list and move on.

There is no need to reply if you just want to express interest in
being a reader of these journals--if they come to pass I'll make
regular announcements to these lists. At this time I'm only looking
for people interested in the possibilities of providing content.

Please feel free to forward this email on to any people or lists you
feel would be interested.


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