Happy New Year!
January 1, 2007

Exercise more. Eat right. Give up bad habits.

The New Year is a time to make resolutions that will not only improve your life 
but also the lives of others.

This New Year, make a resolution to feel great about yourself and protect the 
future of nature. Become a member of World Wildlife Fund's Wildlife Rescue Team!


- Go outside and enjoy nature.
Take time for yourself and get outside. Plan a hike with friends and family. 
Instead of driving, try walking or biking. You'll get fit while appreciating 
the natural world. Make a resolution to enjoy the outdoors no matter what time 
of year it is, and we'll give you this WWF long-sleeved fleece jacket so that 
you can stay warm when it's cold outside. Yours free by joining the Wildlife 
Rescue Team.

- Help save endangered species and spaces.
Make a commitment to the wild animals about which you care so deeply; help 
protect them from wildlife emergencies and threatening situations. Join the 
Wildlife Rescue Team for as little as 17 cents per day and help safeguard 
endangered species like pandas, gorillas and tigers who face an uncertain 
future due to habitat loss, poaching and illegal wildlife trade. Your 
commitment will also help protect endangered spaces like the Galapagos Islands 
and address global threats like deforestation.

- Learn about worldwide conservation efforts.
The diversity of life isn't evenly distributed around the globe. It is 
concentrated in certain areas, making them a greater priority for conservation. 
Discover the world's most important natural places and find out what WWF is 
doing to preserve and protect them. When you join the Wildlife Rescue Team, 
we'll give you a free 2007 WWF Calendar, which highlights these priority places 
and illustrates the gorgeous diversity of our world. You'll keep current on 
conservation efforts throughout the entire year.

The Wildlife Rescue Team is one of the most active membership groups within 
WWF. Members care deeply about wildlife and protecting their habitats. Thanks 
to the monthly contributions of Wildlife Rescue Team members, we can protect 
these creatures from the grave threats they face every day. By joining this 
team, you are making a special commitment to safeguard endangered animals and 

Make your New Year's resolution today to protect the future of nature by 
joining WWF's Wildlife Rescue Team!


Share your resolution with friends and family! Send a free WWF e-card now and 
let them know about your commitment to conservation in 2007.

Join the Wildlife Rescue Team for only $5 per month and we'll send you a 
stunning 2007 WWF Calendar for FREE!


A FREE WWF fleece jacket is yours with a $10 or more per month pledge! Proudly 
show your support of conservation in 2007 with this stylish, practical gift.


Give $15 or more per month and you'll receive both the 2007 WWF Calendar and 
the WWF Fleece Jacket as a thank you gift!

Your Wildlife Rescue Team Membership is Vital!

Here are some examples of what your support could help provide for WWF's 
conservation efforts:

One person giving only $5/month for a year:
One week's worth of fuel for tracking animals and other patrolling within a 
wildlife protected area.

Two people giving only $11/month for a year:
Equipment for a "camera trap" to help study and count tigers within new parks.

Ten people giving only $20/month for a year:
Twelve hours of aerial support to preserve marine protected areas within the 
Galápagos Marine Reserve.

Five people giving only $35/month for a year:
The translocation of a greater one-horned rhino from Chitwan National Park to 
Sukla Phanta Wildlife Reserve.


Urge your friends to join the Wildlife Rescue Team with you!

Multiplied together, these efforts will have a huge positive impact for the 
natural world.


Thank you for being a part of the WWF online community. The email
address we have in our records for you is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To subscribe to other free WWF E-newsletters or change your email address or 
contact information, please log in


to the member center. You can also unsubscribe from WWF
E-newsletters as well.

World Wildlife Fund
1250 24th St. NW
Washington, DC 20037-1193

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