when the spellbound poem includes me, I get roasted. the spellbound poem streaks sadly, cowering under the spell of that lurking boom of dawn that had the hospital enthralled last week. then who is in charge of dumpsters, including the internment of all particulars of rubbish? because there was noise upon that dawn, along with worries. okay, worries are part of spellbound. Fu Manchu enters the foggy wilds of London. he passes thru walls and disappears as needed. this is not a vacation but you might splutter when the evil inscribes itself in your reading matter. war time propulsion, game reentry into debate, truculent dodging. well indeed, we are tired of the act in which George marries welfare to stretches of august land that covers oil wells. we can blame ourselves, and the satellites too. then a struggle much like a gift. razor sharp wit of... not Sir Denis, that's for sure. no, Fu Manchu is the clever one, Bush is the honed one. two rocks, scraped against the sides of his head, greased with oil from the aforementioned stretches of land, pointless debate in the name of some function that has been enclosed unreasonably: that kind of honed. ridiculousness is cunning.

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