holy shit what monsters have sprung forth!  yow!

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

----- Original Message -----
Date: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 2:13 pm
Subject: My bungbag molt, dormant wrist, gland-whap huffed with fart quaff

> "My bungbag molt, dormant wrist, slop-grated bile sot rump, 
> chigger nap, moo moon, 
> bleeped gunk-wrenched gland-whap huffed with fart quaff"
> lame finger pail, dormant wrist, slag rash craze blink fake 
> tumble, 
> claw-gush asshole sweat, stumble shoelace vortex, hum haw low bum 
> flapper,clobbered spray spore, pork gnat rib greased blap, crocks 
> guzzled adnoids trembling,
> dribbler shine, slumber slope shudder scalding ligature indention, 
> long gas beam clobbered, 
> dormant sticks brash molt, hind boo brain hung mildewed, shat 
> shudder breakdown,
> smallpox licker-saddle-crawler flagging hamsters' asshole floodlights,
> blank fist lace, fake bomb-bends
> sorda loo lave, leak gushing tubal hush, tannin mud rubble tunnel 
> bucks crumbly night ladder,  
> dab slop-grated bile sot rump chigger nap, hunky clamor-pummeled 
> sleet in a stun-sloping snorer,
> gut tree drizzles drizzle, raving shines, crisp silence, spat rim-
> boo whap, blank flatulation,
> drooped toot, chew guilt-hips worm, bark palaver, wurst pus 
> despised, hop nag blog pule,
> lame natter pestering, mustard-clawed nacreous miasmas, cone 
> scribble digressions hobble lagoon puddle dice,
> buckets of levitated tamping moored under dong-stunned hazards in 
> glue 
> craw raw snorer, lick spore pore glob, my bungbag molt, my runt 
> dipped blaze, 
> my fart huffed silence, my spoon nuts liver quivers, my mute lunge 
> festers, 
> my bun teeth chant, my nippered whizz razzle, my rip tore sleep, 
> stub muse, slam meat, 
> rippled dormer blight, blasted crow cheek, turd soaked napkin, 
> windless gut crappy finger,
> hunky contraption spat, seepage gnat knotted, pegged puddle dong 
> munches and simpers, 
> piddled gland whap, wrenched tongue ladder wheeze, lint sap hint, 
> grease id, gaseous slung shame,
> flag flaw hock bucks haw-yanked bean lung, crispy blight beet 
> guzzled, sting moulder rut 
> moo moon dumb ore bun, rump bile lust cloud off ham sack, 
> bleeped gunk-wrenched gland whap-huffed with fart quaff, hock 
> slosh flat flatulation,
> am drooped gel id, trot light stew, slab stun glob dust stem sinks 
> molt craw behind,
> flaccid nest, hairy air, drenching dead fungoid meat, stub noose 
> whizz, teeth chant shine,
> drizzle windless boo, ah hog ice nadir bust. 
> --Bob BrueckL
> (all words from John M. Bennett poems)
> -- 
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