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Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 14:42:38 +0900
From: Jesse Glass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: UB Poetics discussion group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The Voyage of the Argonauts--Experimental Music and Poetry

Today the mail run rendered up a stunning set of six beautiful CD's,
each one the product of of Ralph Lichtensteiger's genius.  Yes, I use
that term openly when I speak of this gentleman.  If you haven't heard
of him I suggest that you go to www.lichtensteiger.de to witness the
range of his thought, and his incredible generosity as a teacher.  He is
constantly offering up new downloads of avant-garde music, new takes on
philiosophers, new insights into, and applications of, the thought and
praxis of John Cage, with whom he met and conversed.  And now these
CD's have arrived with their promise of a voyage.  The story of Jason
and the Argonauts, of course tells of the quest for the Golden Fleece--a
journey that has long been regarded in the West as an alchemical
allegory.  Here are the titles of the CD's:

1 klangschiff
2 klangsschiff
3 the remains
4 specters
5 les heterotopies
6 departure

I am delighted to have a voice piece embedded in CD #6.  So I myself have
a seat among Jason's crew!

I haven't yet had a chance to take this aural voyage, but once I've
embarked, I shall report back!

The CD set was pressed in a limited edition of 50.  Price is 25 euros.
Ralph Lichtensteiger is looking for collaborators for other projects.
Several people from this list--including Alan Sondheim, Miekal And and
Dan Weber-- have been featured.   For more information, please contact
Mr. Lichtensteiger via his website.

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