Probably the same Guragas we were fuckin with. They lived in the concrete stairwell, filled with debris/trash, next to the corner store across from the barber shop me 'n Billy Barker (circa 1960... ie. before the Price is right :) ) challenged each other to descend in to, well HELL.

Coke bottles were green... cool binoculars.

Yes, absolutely. I gave up tobacco 8 months ago. Was healed from it really.

But NO, I am not an addict. I am a SUPER-addict. I am addicted to many things and I do them all quite well, IN deed. Sex, Drugs, R and R.

I thingks we gots the same teacher, lq.

LOVE ya'll,

On 7-Feb-07, at 3:55 PM, phanero wrote:

sounds fascinating. i robbed my mother's beauty shop of coffee money when i was 10-11 and never got caught. i used it to become a kind of god in a game called galaga. later, my friend and i called people "Guragas" which meant a kind of atlantean sea-ape, or we would just make the sound uhnnnnn, which meant "zombie".. we were essentially guideless, parentless, and feral video game addicts and stole all our tobacco products as well.. so to recap, we were sarcastic, theiving, video and tobacco addicts who would then later translate that great knowledge into becoming sex, information and drug addicts. What an incredibel career we had! Do you respect my deep tribal learning?
I've seen a few guragas in my time. thnx, uhnnnnnnnn.
now i am one.. thx again..
----- Original Message -----
From: P!^VP 0!Z!^VP
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: russian birchbark library

Reminds me of fasting 3 days in June 1990... at the tip of Japan (45N Rishiri Island) in solidarity with Bruno Manser (46N in the Swiss Alps) and Reinhard Reitzenstein(44N at Niagara Falls), consciously passing the Sun (visa rise/set timetable) to one another and we each created 'artworks' in unisong WITH the Sun. I burned a message with a magnifying glass on a piece of Birchbark, that I later snail-mailed to my Ojibway Elder/Guide who was also aware of our action/work/timetable. From the shore where I was in Rishiri, I could see in the distance, Russia. The Kuril Islands I mean.. maybe not Russia, afterall.

I got to see the birchbark post card again.... when I next visited Toronto.

Thanks for the Mammary Lanny.


On 7-Feb-07, at 1:17 PM, phanero wrote:


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