I'm forwarding this invitation from Susana Gardner to join the dusi/e-chap 
kollektiv for the second annual chap making/swapping collective with several 
dozen other poets.

The kollektiv is coming together once again and if you have had your work in 
Dusie or it is forthcoming (this includes all aspects of Dusie) she says 
consider yourself invited. Write to her at [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be signed up 
for the listserv.

She stresses that, unless invited by her, you must have been published in Dusie 
or have work forthcoming in it.

Some of the things you will be expected to take part in are:

* Being a part of a group-project (group dialogue via post and email)
* Getting daily emails via the listserv (and hopefully contributing when 
* Receiving mail nearly everyday for 2 months from other poets
* Publishing your chap the way you imagine it.
* Sending your chap out to ALL of the participants within the specified 
time-frame given doing the sufficient print run (and to send them out to 
reviewers too)

If you are interested, please reply to Susana and not me as I have nothing to 
do with this and am merely passing the message on.

You can contact her at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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