Hi - would like to suggest - you might want to sub to NRDC - it's pretty good for online activism - Alan

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 16:20:08 GMT
From: BioGems News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NRDC's BioGems News, March 2007

Saving Endangered Wild Places

March 2007

Even as unbridled oil and gas development despoils wildlands and
communities across the West, the Bush administration has
proposed drilling 4,400 new natural gas wells in Wyoming's Upper
Green River Valley. Nestled between the Wind River and the
Wyoming ranges, this lush valley offers a winter refuge for
thousands of pronghorn and mule deer, as well as roost sites for
bald eagles. Expanding drilling in this region would scar the
landscape with roads, pipelines and transmission lines and could
pollute the fisheries of the Green and New Fork rivers. Even the
Bureau of Land Management has admitted that the plan would
eliminate crucial protections and further degrade the valley's
wildlife habitat.

SAVE YELLOWSTONE/GREATER ROCKIES: Tell the Bush administration
to protect the outstanding wild ranges of the Upper Green River
Valley from gas drilling.

NRDC and our partners have filed a lawsuit challenging a
proposal for a Las Vegas-style casino just outside of New York
state's historic Catskill Park. Following preliminary federal
and state approval of the $600 million project, we're seeking
to block the plan until a thorough study of its potential
environmental impacts is completed. The proposed Monticello
Raceway casino is expected to attract some 6 million annual
visitors, creating massive traffic tie-ups and residential and
commercial construction that would irrevocably transform the way
of life in Catskills communities. Meanwhile, sewage and runoff
from the casino and from casino-related secondary development
would flow into the Catskills' renowned trout streams, lakes and

Did you know that the Catskills region supplies New York City
with 90 percent of its water? Get an up-close look at the
magnificent Catskills watershed.

The Navy has refused to comply with a decision by the California
Coastal Commission requiring it to protect whales and other
marine life during two years of ear-splitting sonar exercises
off the southern California coast. After receiving more than
16,000 pro-whale messages from BioGems Defenders and other
activists in California, commission officials voted in January
to reject the Navy's plan unless it committed to taking
common-sense protective measures, such as avoiding the Channel
Islands National Marine Sanctuary and other sensitive marine
mammal habitats. We'll keep you posted on our ongoing campaign
of legal action and public pressure to limit lethal military

This year, the film industry's biggest night was also its
greenest, thanks to NRDC. Our experts teamed up with the
producers of the 79th Annual Academy Awards to reduce the
environmental impacts of the red-carpet event itself, as well as
the pre-show, telecast and Governor's Ball. Our efforts included
limiting energy use, offsetting global warming pollution and
avoiding paper products sourced from the Cumberland Plateau
BioGem and other endangered forests. NRDC trustee and best-actor
nominee Leonardo DiCaprio and former Vice President Al Gore
announced our landmark initiative during the live awards
telecast on February 25th, reaching an estimated 1.2 billion
people worldwide. It was also a big night for NRDC trustee
Laurie David, producer of the Oscar-winning documentary An
Inconvenient Truth.

April 14th is only a month away, and momentum is building for
Step It Up 2007 -- a day of rallies across the country to urge
Congress to impose an 80 percent reduction in global warming
pollution by 2050. NRDC staff and BioGems Defenders will be
gathering in force in Montana's Glacier Park National Park;
Boulder, Colorado; Tampa, Florida; New York City; Washington,
D.C.; Chicago and elsewhere. If you live near one of these
locations, you'll be receiving an invitation soon to join us at
a rally. Or, you can let us know you're interested in taking
part by sending an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] For more about
this historic event, visit http://www.stepitup2007.org .

Last call for Earth Day handouts! If you're participating in an
event, NRDC can provide you with BioGems bookmarks,
environmental action guides, stickers and reprints of Nature's
Voice and This Green Life. To request materials, email us at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Be sure to include "Earth Day" in the
subject line and let us know your name and mailing address, what
type of event you're participating in, and the quantity of
materials you are requesting. Supplies are limited.

BioGems Update
BioGems Defenders:

Action Messages Sent:

See the timeline of victories we've won at

Do Even More . . .
You can support NRDC's BioGems campaign to save these and other
threatened wild places. To donate, visit

. . .

BioGems: Saving Endangered Wild Places
A project of the Natural Resources Defense Council

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