I suppose theys the same thingk... energetic context. comin/goin in/out our view/sense

When I read the elders ref yesterday it stimulated such memory as an image I caught many year ago of the whorl and the MANY persons... discoveries/modernizations/contemporisations borne within/of(?) the vortex... Edison/Bell/Ford and a dozen more academician/mathematicians.

I am much enjoying your recent posts Lanny.  Stimulating.


On 15-Mar-07, at 10:18 AM, phanero wrote:

it's from Dahlberg.. i think it's from the Carnal Myth..

is geomancy like dowsing?

----- Original Message ----- From: "D^Vid D^Vizio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 10:10 AM
Subject: The elders of the continent

The five lakes are the elders of the continent
-al Global geomantic Vortex
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