"Even if you send out thousands of letters and papers, make thousands of phone calls, visit labs and universities across the country -- even if you do so at Science conferences where folks are gathered in the 'hope' of receiving the stuff you're trying to give them -- all that ever happens is that, like the ancient folks, people treat you as if you're a 'madman,' and then 'burn you at the stake,' in whatever way of doing such is 'familiar' within folks' experience."


Page 188 of WHITE NOISE

"honored," "microscopic," "realm"

About The Usenet Project:

An "x" is drawn in the middle of a page of the 1999 Penguin Classics Edition of Don DeLillo's WHITE NOISE. The first three, sometimes four, words (excluding articles and prepositions) that intersect the lines of this "x" from its cross are fed into Google's Usenet index, which dates back to 1981. On even-numbered days, the most recent Google entry is retrieved, using Google's "sort by date" function. On odd-numbered days, the first Google entry to appear is retrieved -- anything from 1981 to the present. The Usenet posting is copied to Starve.Org and linked to http://www.starve.org/usenet.html. (No porn.) A new posting is included every week -- an archive of radiant rants, habits, and hobbies mundane everywhere except on specialized Usenet bulletin boards. Thanks to Bernadette Mayer's "X on Page 50 at half inch intervals."

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