it appears quarks are not free
they are always glued
first of all they are only hypothetical
poor things
why didn't christianity or something pick that up
the poor hypothetical
i've had it

animals are good phenomenologists
the best the beast
since they don't know of death presumably
but since we know we're poor phenom.
sure it should be the other way around
a lot of things should
idiots are born while wise men die, an idiot said to a wise man, said
a wise man to an idiot

well now for the proof
you've been patient for long
proof of reality no less
when we die the world continues to exist
how cruel
also when the world is gone you too are
what does this say to you?
well i figured my world was a kind of mix of projections, filters, a
big mess of subject and object, but now it appears no
slow down, we haven't reached that conclusion yet
maybe this is like blood coloring water
fine fine, you're blood, the world is water
without water life wouldn't evolve here
then the water turns into some blood
then the blood leaks into the water again
so you say it's a big mess, everything is stained
also this is like this allegory
it's very limited and serve some simple purpose then game over
most things
what you can't throw out you have to i don't know what
now were where we, meaning here we are
since the world is independent of me
and i am dependent on the world
that's a pretty clear relation
so, in the same way, it's not that the wetness interacts with the rain
the rain doesn't care about the state of the wetness
i think that's part of our illusion, as the superior beings of the world
the superman, which is inherent in language
language is so to say a super-man
once something is stated it attains some superior state of being
like being
this is not very motivational
motives are of course part of the superman adventures
ok what's in the bottom here? a happy baby?
is there always a bottom that speaks?
without trembling
i wish an earthquake would destroy
now i'm lost
well this is about being lost i guess
any interaction with the world has some illusional part
the illusion doesn't reside with the world, neither with the subject
so then it's in the interaction
how can we interact without illusion?
i think the cells have an illusion about living forever
think i read somewhere that the cell actually could
so then the cell is right in assuming
but the organ and higher body system maybe messes it up for the cell
and the cell go under with it
maybe, or the body tells a story to the cell
who knows, how strange all things are
if you don't think it's strange, well maybe you should
strange topbottom
updown charm
As the universe expanded and cooled, some of these quarks may have
been frozen out. To what extent independent free quarks could survive
is an unresolved issue of elementary particle physics.
what should we think about this?
still when my feet are cold i put on extra socks?
when i want to move one finger it actually moves
can animals do that?
all is lost for us
even if we should build another world in a safe area of the universe
how come i still write?
breathing is semi-automatic
the two worlds
breathing is interacting
basically oxygen is a poison
it means humans live by poison
and pay by aging
the cell might have done better
well oxygen was there so why not
birds are singing
immediate joy
no, i want joy later, let's say tomorrow at 3
i want it yesterday
can we do that?
well how much can we do
the sleep of reason or the reason of sleep
on the one side everything is simple
on the other everything is a mess
and the bridge between is full of
it's not so much a bridge as a knife
there you go

(that was a nice ending, so i'll write the rest down here not to
disturb the sleep of the end
the bridge and the knife are the same
and-or operations
and then logic doesn't have time
it has implications though
but which transforms into and-or-negations
and even less)

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