ALL virtuous, voluptuous characters/names -- love the piece, and the commentary!


On Monday, April 02, 2007, at 03:35PM, "Harrison Jeff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>is this a lost text of Virgil, or a synopsis of an episode of HBO's "Rome"?
>Thanks, Tom! The first three lines and last three lines of "The Vying" are 
>by me, original to this poem.
>The words spoken by Horatio in line 4 of "The Vying" is an excerpt from a 
>sentence in the eleventh paragraph of Chapter Two of Stephen Crane's "The 
>Red Badge of Courage"
>From line five to line eighteen, the spoken lines are from sonnets. The 
>first line in this sonnet in "The Vying" is from the fourteenth line of a 
>sonnet, the second line is from the thirteenth line of a different sonnet, 
>continuing in this manner to the last line of the "The Vying" sonnet, which 
>is from the first line of a 14th sonnet. Here are the authors used, and 
>their sonnets, in order of appearance:
>1. Barnabe Barnes "be where thou wilt..." from sonnet 46 of "Parthenophil 
>and Parthenophe"
>2. William Wordsworth "but, Cynthia!..." from "With how sad steps, O Moon, 
>thou climb'st the sky"
>3. Anna Seward "sleep, then, my lyre..." from sonnet beginning "Lyre of the 
>4. Joshua Sylvester "and look upon you..." from sonnet beginning "Were I as 
>base as the lowly plain"
>5. John Milton "thy handmaids..." from sonnet beginning "When Faith and 
>Love, which parted from thee never", often titled "On the Religious Memory 
>of Mrs. Catherine Thomson, my Christian Friend, deceased Dec. 16, 1646"
>6. Edna St. Vincent Millay "thus in the wind..." from sonnet beginning "What 
>lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why"
>7. Percy Bysshe Shelley "on some frail bark..." from "To Wordsworth"
>8. Yvor Winters "she fled all ways..." from "Apollo and Daphne"
>9. Edmund Spenser "who first my Muse..." from "To the right honourable and 
>most vertuous Lady, the Countesse of Penbroke"
>10. John Barlas "fierce night-shade..." from "Beauty's Anadems"
>11. Robert Lowell "old Cynthia" from "The Injured Moon", an imitation of 
>Baudelaire's "La Lune offens?e".
>12. William Wordsworth "where art thou..." from "With how sad steps, O Moon, 
>thou climb'st the sky"
>13. Matthew Arnold "that thou canst hear..." from "Written in Emerson's 
>14. Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey "alas so all things..." from sonnet 
>beginning "Alas so all thinges nowe doe holde their peace"
>"The Vying" is similar to an earlier poem of mine titled "The Recital". More 
>information on "The Recital" may be found in Antic View #115   
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