organdy  was a fabric
a very sheer crisp cotton

On Tue, 3 Apr 2007 17:58:27 -0700 "P!^VP 0!Z!^VP"
> Just what is organdy?  The strangest word in there, Jukka.  LOVELY!  
> I 
> hope you can use this particular Ana text as we talked about 
> Epidermis.
> I certainly can change the format.  Whatever you like.
> D^
> On 3-Apr-07, at 9:43 PM, Jukka-Pekka Kervinen wrote:
> > [ primary ironware courtesy addenda ]
> >
> >
> > without melodic eaglet synagog ruff stagnate egotist doctor
> > relation bobble residual salty alloy remade chemise
> >
> > hugeness oatmeal oration ajar doctor remade
> >
> > royal royal nobleman quash soak foamy organdy taught courtesy
> >
> >
> > courtesy escapist fecund rectory relation yokel soak orchard
> > loud
> >
> > without fecund second doggone primary hugeness quash courtesy
> > peon
> >
> > quash cheerful succeed cite courtesy construe phoneme
> >
> > enthuse soak mommy cystic
> >
> > seraph query evoke relation ironware seraph huge construe
> > agonize
> >
> > escapist coot primary chlorine nomadic without fugitive
> > boggle progeny eaglet quash kumquat nobleman
> >
> > dismount glisten cite primary evoke vote quash j uvular ovum
> >
> >
> > sleigh escapist cite habitat fecund deceit cheerful fecund
> > doggone doggone
> >
> > ironware neurosis coot underlay underarm ruff adduce addenda
> > if
> >
> > construe coot floodlit plea compile walled cite
> >
> > enthuse remade remote appeal organdy virginal ironware grommet
> > diary construe ajar jaundice
> >
> > hostelry virtuoso royal loyal doggone doggerel without polite
> > enthuse courtesy doggone togs perfidy coterie
> >
> > organdy egotist go-ahead boggle frog
> >
> >
> P!^VP

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