bob - i'd like to get some stuff from you for coupremine ( i'd like submissions - but i can also select stuff from wryting-l if you'd rather that


----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 11:50 PM
Subject: wackaloons: a rat's patoot

wackaloons:  a rat's patoot

I eat

(lopsided raucous gleams of teeth)


I ate speech.

I quashed it into
the turbid spindle
of quaffed silence, the
tremulous giddy furrows of smudged waves
winking in the sunspot twinkling
verve of gauze.

I eat each pee speech screech,
sparse spray of ho arse shore sounds
cussing and sea
scuffing along.

I ate each wretched wretch
wielding a wierd word wrench,
a neutered noun enduring nine
nights of a deadpan darkling novena drear.

I bent the wrench of a one-inch bitch
with pristinely deckled crimping to the spine:
a scrap of tethered, insensate, intricate, stupefied flaws --

wintergold flailing a rat's patoot
smitten by the ewer spout jailhouse snitch
with the erstwhile limp
startling wackaloons wrenching the jacinth spigot
licking the miry byword "biwort."

It's a mangled flubbing pithy,
lobes palate burnoose, scabbard demurred, forsook alway, dross panted
chortling cluster of plucked wilting pates, O whiny thwart --
abhor the descrying of 69.

--Bob BrueckL

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