Title: WWF News - April 2007

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Help End the Tiger Trade
  Siberian tiger
The tiger is one of the most revered, feared and popular species on Earth. Yet it is perhaps the most powerful symbol for all of our planet's endangered wildlife.

Fewer than 5,000 tigers are now found in the wild and in just 7% of the habitat they once occupied. But it gets worse... a thriving black market for tiger skins and bones threatens to wipe out wild tigers altogether.

We need your help to create the world's largest photo mosaic of this endangered species and help put an end to the tiger trade.

Take action now and add your photo and show your support for tiger conservation.

Rare Borneo rhino caught on camera

  Borneo rhino

A video "camera trap" positioned inside the jungle has captured rare footage of an elusive Borneo rhino.

The 2 minute video - showing the animal eating, walking to the camera and sniffing the equipment - is the first-ever footage of observing the behaviour in the wild of one of the world's rarest rhinos.
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Bluefin tuna on the brink

  Bluefin tuna

2007 could be the year that the magnificent bluefin tuna, the fish behind the finest sushi in the world, disappears from the Mediterranean.

A high-tech armada will soon hit the azure waters of the Mediterranean to scoop up endangered bluefin tunas and a tragedy is set to unfold.
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Natural wonders feel the heat

  Great Barrier Reef

From the Amazon to the Himalayas, some of the world's greatest natural wonders face destruction if the climate continues to warm at the current rate.

While adaptation to changing climate can save some, only drastic action by governments to reduce emissions can hope to stop their complete destruction.
Find out more

What do you get up to in the morning?

  Forest fire

You're hurrying into the shower, maybe applying some last minute make-up, or having your breakfast of cereal, toast and coffee.

A normal start to a normal day, you might think. So why is it that by the time you have walked out of your house, you may have unknowingly contributed to deforestation in Brazil, the extinction of orangutans in Sumatra and soil erosion in Paraguay?
Find out more

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This message was sent from WWF International, Avenue du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland.

Photo credits: Pechoro-Ilychskiy Nature Reserve © WWF-Canon / Per ANGELSTAM, Siberian tiger © WWF-Canon / Vladimir FILONOV, Borneo rhino © Stephen Hogg / WWF-Malaysia, Bluefin tuna © M. San Felix, Aerial view of the Great Barrier Reef © WWF-Canon / Jürgen Freund, Forest fire © WWF-Canon / Nigel DICKINSON.

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