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Date: Thu, 03 May 2007 14:40:41 -0700
From: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NASA's Mars Rover Finds Evidence of Ancient Volcanic Explosion

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Contact: Guy Webster/Natalie Godwin 818-354-6278/0850
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Dwayne Brown 202-358-1726
NASA Headquarters, Washington

News Release: 2007-051                                                   May 3, 

NASA's Mars Rover Finds Evidence of Ancient Volcanic Explosion

NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has discovered evidence of an ancient volcanic explosion at 
"Home Plate," a plateau of layered bedrock approximately 2 meters (6 feet) high within 
the "Inner Basin" of Columbia Hills, at the rover's landing site in Gusev Crater. This is 
the first explosive volcanic deposit identified with a high degree of confidence by Spirit or its 
twin, Opportunity.

There is strong evidence that those layers are from a volcanic explosion, said 
Steve Squyres of Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. Squyres is principal 
investigator for the rovers' science instruments. The findings about volcanic 
activity are reported in a paper published in the May 4 issue of the journal 

Evidence shows the area near Home Plate is dominated by basaltic rocks. "When basalt erupts, 
it often does so as very fluid lava, rather than erupting explosively," Squyres said. 
"One way for basaltic lava to cause an explosion is for it to come into contact with water -- 
it's the pressure from the steam that causes it to go boom."

Scientists suspect that the explosion that formed Home Plate may have been caused by an 
interaction of basaltic lava and water. "When you look at composition of the rocks 
in detail, there are hints that water may have been involved," Squyres said. One 
example is the high chlorine content of the rocks, which might indicate that basalt had 
come into contact with a brine.

One of the strongest pieces of evidence for an explosive origin for Home Plate is a 
"bomb sag" preserved in layered rocks on the lower slopes of the plateau. Bomb 
sags form in volcanic explosions on Earth when rocks ejected skyward by the explosion 
fall into soft deposits, deforming them as they land.

Spirit arrived at Home Plate in February 2006 and spent several months exploring it in detail before driving 
to "Low Ridge" to pass the Martian winter. Spirit has now returned to Home Plate to continue 
exploration there. "We decided to go back to Home Plate, once the Martian winter ended, because it is 
one of the most interesting places that we've found on Gusev Crater," Squyres said. "Last year we 
primarily explored the northern and eastern sides of it. This time we're hoping to get to the southern and 
western sides." Spirit's continued exploration of Home Plate will focus largely on testing the idea that 
water was involved in its formation process.

Spirit and Opportunity are in their fourth year of exploring Mars. They 
successfully completed their three-month prime missions in April 2004, and the 
missions have been extended four times. As of April 26, Spirit had spent 1,177 
sols, or Martian days, on the surface of Mars and had driven 7,095 meters (4.4 
miles), and Opportunity had spent 1,157 sols and driven 10,509 meters (6.5 

"Considering their age, both rovers are in good health. All science instruments are 
functioning and continuing to return superb science data," said John Callas, project 
manager of the Mars Exploration Rover mission at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 
Pasadena, Calif.

JPL manages the Mars Exploration Rover project for NASA's Science Mission 
Directorate. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology in 

For images and information about the rovers and their discoveries on the Web, 


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