Dear Alan,

The Bush administration wants to sacrifice more than one million
acres of outstanding wildlife habitat and archeological sites in
northwest Colorado to destructive oil and gas drilling and
off-road vehicle use.

We need your immediate action to block this proposal, which
would cause irreparable damage to fragile wildlands including
the world-renowned Vermillion Basin, home to one of the most
spectacular collections of ancient petroglyphs in the country.

Please go to
and tell the Bush administration to protect our natural and
cultural heritage by banning harmful drilling and off-road
vehicle use in the Vermillion Basin and all other
wilderness-quality lands in this region.

People from all over the world seek out the Vermillion Basin and
nearby Little Snake wildlands for outdoor recreation,
wildlife-viewing and its natural beauty. The Little Snake area
provides habitat for elk, pronghorn, mule deer, coyotes and
white-tailed prairie dogs. The waters of this region sustain the
endangered Colorado River Pikeminnow and the Colorado River
cutthroat trout. Greater sage grouse, golden eagles and
peregrine falcons also take refuge there.

Yet the Bush administration has proposed stripping existing
wildlife protections from these lands and opening virtually the
entire area to drilling and off-road vehicles. This scheme also
fails to protect the region's irreplaceable historical and
archeological treasures.

Please go to
and urge the administration to safeguard these sensitive
wildlands for future generations.

Thank you for helping to protect the natural and cultural values
of our last western wildlands.


Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council

. . .

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