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Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 23:33:22 -0400
Subject: Mumia Case Reaches Its Climax

The Final Showdown - Mumia Case Reaches Its Climax

By Dave Lindorff and Linn Washington, Jr.

CounterPunch.org - May 15, 2007


The case of death row prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, now a
quarter of a century long, is heading to a climax this
Thursday in a hearing before a three-judge panel of the
Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia. It is a
hearing that could result in a new trial for the
Philadelphia journalist and former Black Panther, or
possibly in a new date with the executioner.

The wide range of possible outcomes of this hearing
results from the fact that Abu-Jamal and the
Philadelphia District Attorney have filed cross-appeals
in the case. Abu-Jamal, convicted in 1982 for the 1981
slaying of white Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel
Faulkner during an arrest of Abu-Jamal's younger
brother William, is appealing his conviction. He is
arguing that his jury was unconstitutionally purged of
black jurors by the prosecutor, who used peremptory
challenges to bar 10 or 11 black jurors from being
seated, though all had said that they could vote for a
death penalty. He is also appealing his conviction on
the ground that the prosecutor, Joseph McGill,
improperly diminished the jury's sense of
responsibility for their verdict by telling them that a
guilty verdict would "not be final" since there would
be "appeal after appeal."

The DA's office, meanwhile, has appealed a 2001
decision by Federal District Judge William Yohn
overturning Abu-Jamal's death sentence-a ruling that if
sustained, converts Abu-Jamal's penalty to life in
prison without possibility of parole.

It is impossible to second-guess what the three judges
sitting on this appeal will decide on any of the claims
before them, but looking at their prior decisions, all
three of the judges, who include Chief Judge Anthony
Scirica and Judge Robert Cowen, both Reagan appointees,
and Judge Thomas Ambro, a Clinton appointee have,
during their time on the Third Circuit, overturned
capital convictions based upon the same claim Abu-Jamal
is making about race-based exclusion of jurors by the
prosecution. In his federal habeas appeal of his
conviction-the so-called Batson claim regarding jury
bias--Abu-Jamal's attorneys noted that in a city that
is 44 percent African-American, his jury initially had
only three black members (one was removed before the
start of the trial, under questionable circumstances
also possibly relating to judicial bias, leaving only

Abu-Jamal further presented evidence that his mostly
white jury was the result of a pattern of racism in the
city's justice system. Prosecutor McGill, who used 11
of his permitted 15 peremptory challenges (challenges
to bar jurors for which no reason has to be provided),
to remove black jurors otherwise qualified to sit, had
a record over the course of six capital cases between
1977 and 1986, of striking 74 percent of potential
black jurors while striking only 25 percent of white
jurors. Furthermore, defense data show that over the
same period, during which Ed Rendell was Philadelphia's
district attorney, prosecutors working under his
direction collectively used their peremptory challenges
to eliminate black jurors 58 percent of the time,
compared to only 22 percent of the time for white

If the appellate court decides that this damning
statistical evidence shows or suggests a pattern of
racism in jury selection, it would be bound to either
order a new trial, or to remand the case back to Judge
Yohn for a full hearing on the jury bias issue.

This would appear to offer Abu-Jamal his best chance
for a new trial. If the judges vote the way each of
them has voted in other similar cases, it could happen.

A second possibility for a new trial would be McGill's
clearly inappropriate summation to the jury, in which
he essentially told them to forget about "proof beyond
a reasonable doubt," and which the judge, who still
posthumously holds the national record for death
penalty convictions (31), allowed to go unchallenged.
Many a death sentence has been overturned for just such
prosecutorial misconduct, but to date, neither the
Third Circuit nor the US Supreme Court has overturned a
conviction on the basis of such comments. Still, it
remains a possible avenue for a reversal and a new

A third avenue of federal appeal by Abu-Jamal argues
that his initial appeal of his conviction, called a
Post-Conviction Relief Act (PCRA) hearing, was
constitutionally flawed because the judge--the same
Albert Sabo who tried him originally--was biased in
favor of the prosecution. Local newspaper editorials
made that observation during the hearing. But more
importantly, the PCRA hearing transcript shows that
Sabo refused to grant any subpoenas to the defense to
compel witness testimony, and that the judge repeatedly
cut off lines of questioning of witnesses by defense
attorneys when it appeared they were about to undermine
the case. One witness who told of being pressured to
lie at the trial, found herself arrested in the
courtroom immediately following her testimony, while
she was still on the witness stand. She was led off in
handcuffs with the judge's blessing on a check-kiting
charge, despite a pledge by her attorney to have her
appear on the charge--normally a routine procedure. If
the appellate panel rules in favor of this claim, Abu-
Jamal would not get a new trial, but would get a
reopened or a new PCRA, probably in federal instead of
state court. At such a hearing, new evidence of
innocence could be presented, and witnesses from the
original trial and the earlier PCRA hearing could be
further questioned and old testimony challenged.

Abu-Jamal, while still held in solitary confinement on
Pennsylvania's death row at the insistence of
Philadelphia District Attorney Lynn Abraham, is at this
moment not facing the death penalty. Federal District
Judge Yohn ruled in 2001 that a poorly worded jury
verdict form and equally poor instructions from Judge
Sabo during the trial's penalty phase left jurors
thinking, incorrectly, that they could consider no
mitigating circumstances in deciding on his sentence
unless they all agreed on it. In fact, under current
law, if any one juror finds a mitigating circumstance,
it has to be weighed in their collective decision,
which must itself be unanimous for a death penalty.
While it is unlikely that the Third Circuit judges will
overturn Judge Yohn's revocation of Abu-Jamal's death
sentence, which was well reasoned and based upon solid
US Supreme Court precedent, the DA's office is making
the effort, claiming that the precedent doesn't apply
in his case.

In fact, over the course of Abu-Jamal's more than two-
decade-long appeals process, the courts have shown a
willingness to create special exceptions that apply
only to Abu-Jamal.

One example of what might be called "The Mumia Rule"
occurred in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. The state's
top judges in 1986 overturned a death sentence in 1986
where McGill, the same prosecutor in Abu-Jamal's case,
had made the same closing statement to jurors at the
conclusion of a murder trial presided over by Judge
Sabo, the same trial judge who presided in Abu-Jamal's
case. The state's top court, declaring that the
prosecutor's language had "minimize[ed] the jury's
sense of responsibility for a verdict of death,"
ordered a new trial. Three years later in 1989, despite
this precedent, the Court reversed itself, though,
upholding Abu-Jamal's conviction. Eleven years later,
Pennsylvania's highest court reversed track again,
barring such language by prosecutors "in all future

Another example of this judicial "special handling"
where Abu-Jamal's case is concerned, involves the right
of allocution ???? the right of the convicted to make a
statement without challenge before sentencing. One
month before initially upholding Abu-Jamal's conviction
in March 1989, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued a
ruling stating the right of allocution is of "ancient
origin" and any failure to permit a defendant to plead
for mercy required reversal of sentence. Abu-Jamal's
appeal claimed Judge Sabo, by allowing the prosecutor
to question Abu-Jamal on the stand after the convicted
defendant had made such a statement to jurors, violated
his allocution right during the '82 trial. The state's
high court, however -- for the first time in its
history -- ruled that the "right of allocution does not
exist in the penalty phase of capital murder

This flip-flopping on allocution, acceptable language
for prosecutors and other legal precedents led Amnesty
International to conclude in its 2000 report on Abu-
Jamal's case that the state's highest court improperly
invents new standards of procedure "to apply it to one
case only: that of Mumia Abu-Jamal."

Justice, that is to say, has not always been blind in
this case.

Indeed, the Abu-Jamal case has always been as much
about politics as it has been about law. During his
sentencing hearing, Prosecutor McGill, over the
strenuous objection of the defense, read from and
questioned Abu-Jamal about a 12-year-old Philadelphia
Inquirer article written about him when he had been
just 15, in which he had quoted Mao Tse-tung as saying
"power flows from the barrel of a gun." Although Abu-
Jamal made it clear in the actual article, and during
questioning by the prosecutor, that he was using that
line to refer to the power of the police in
Philadelphia in the early 1970s, the prosecutor told
jurors that the child's words had referred to killing

Since the trial, the Fraternal Order of Police, the
national police union, has openly lobbied hard for Abu-
Jamal's execution, endorsing judicial candidates who
favor the death penalty, while opposing those who
oppose it, and holding annual demonstrations supporting
his death, and even working successfully to prevent
Abu-Jamal from having his commentaries from prison
broadcast on Philadelphia radio stations. On the other
side, a movement condemning Abu-Jamal's conviction and
demanding his freedom or a new trial has spread around
the globe.

Such political action has certainly played a role in
the decisions made by Pennsylvania's politicized
judges, all of whom are elected and must periodically
return to face voters. But the prevailing view among
attorneys is that such political pressures play a
lesser role in the federal court system, where judges
are generally better qualified and are appointed for
life, and particularly at the appellate level, where
most judges remain until they retire or die.

One indication that the appellate court may not be so
vulnerable to political pressure came in 1998, in a
case brought by Abu-Jamal protesting the opening of his
lawyer's correspondence with him in prison. Prison
authorities had opened his lawyers' mail in 1995 and,
learning of his defense strategy for an upcoming PCRA
hearing, passed the news along to then Gov. Tom Ridge,
who rushed through a death warrant. This meant Abu-
Jamal was facing an execution date only weeks from the
hearing-a situation Judge Sabo repeatedly used as an
excuse for rushing the proceeding. The Third Circuit
ruled that opening of inmates' legal mail was illegal.
The Third Circuit also ruled in Abu-Jamal's favor in a
case establishing his First Amendment right to write
and publish from prison.

And so this case, which began one cold dark morning in
December 1981, now moves to what could be the final

However the three judge panel rules, history is likely
to be made this Thursday in the legal showdown between
Abu-Jamal's attorney Robert R. Bryan and Assistant
District Attorney Hugh Burns, and by Third Circuit
Judges Scirica, Ambro and Cowen.

[Dave Lindorff is the author of Killing Time: an
Investigation into the Death Row Case of Mumia Abu-
Jamal. His n book of CounterPunch columns titled "This
Can't be Happening!" is published by Common Courage
Press. Lindorff's newest book is "The Case for
Impeachment",co-authored by Barbara Olshansky. He can
be reached at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linn Washington, Jr. is a columnist for the
Philadelphia Tribune and is an associate professor of
journalism at Temple University.]


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