Teachers in the 19 western counties of Washington - there are still slots
available in the Judicial Institute for High School Teachers on June 26-28
and one slot left in the iCivics Institute for Middle and High School
teachers on July 24-26. Please consider applying for an incredibly rich
experience in the judicial branch with lively, interactive sessions with the
FBI, search dogs, Mary Beth Tinker (high school institute), new lessons on
free speech for students, and much more.
See www.wawd.uscourts.gov/educators-media/educational-resources
<http://www.wawd.uscourts.gov/educators-media/educational-resources>  for
applications to both Institutes.
Margaret E. Fisher| Distinguished Practitioner in Residence
Seattle University School of Law| 206.501.7963 | fishe...@seattleu.edu
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