Title: Connection timeout error when making SSL connection

Hey Claudio,


Here is my session log.


Connecting to

Connected to, Waiting for Server Response

220-CG2Direct.210 X2 WS_FTP Server 4.0.1 (191203526)

220-CG2 Direct FTP Server

220 CG2Direct.210 X2 WS_FTP Server 4.0.1 (191203526)

Host type (1): FTP PC/TCP


234 SSL enabled and waiting for negotiation

XAUT 2 B3>[EMAIL PROTECTED]>45:74A;A=72<8=;>@;@87B>A68:;7C?=<7474=5=@;6

230-user logged in


230 user logged in

Host type (I): FTP PC/TCP

Host type (I): FTP PC/TCP


257 "/" is current directory

PORT 10,0,0,253,12,47

200 command successful


425 Can't open data connection.


227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,168,210,4,32).

connecting data channel to

connection timed out; the connection timed out while waiting for a response from the server.


I tried it without the SSL and it connects but the directory listing is screwed up. Meaning, it shows a bunch of binary files titled “System”. Nothing more.


Any thoughts?


Troy D. Hilton
Serveon, Inc.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Claudio Robles
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 10:54 AM
To: WSFTP_Forum@list.ipswitch.com
Subject: RE: [WS_FTP Forum] Connection timeout error when making SSL connection




  Could you send the session logs from the client.


  So, it does not work in SSL and it does work without it.   In those cases, the firewall automatically opens and forward the ports that it see (interpreting the FTP protocol), that the client and server are negotiating for transferring files and directory listings.  In SSL, the server can not see or interpret the FTP Protocol because the conversation is encrypted.


Claudio Robles


Ipswitch, Inc



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Troy D. Hilton
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 10:11 AM
To: WSFTP_Forum@list.ipswitch.com
Subject: [WS_FTP Forum] Connection timeout error when making SSL connection


Hello All,

I realize my last email wasn’t quite clear in accurately describing my problem. Let’s see if I can explain it better.

This firewall is protecting 1 server, which is running FTP with SSL enabled. This server also has a couple test websites, but that's it.

Changing the firewall was actually relatively easy once I understood the User Interface. I'm not as familiar with the SonicWall appliances. I first tried the configuration using a test laptop to mimic the server. For the test, FTP worked like a charm. The difference between the laptop config and production server are these:

1. The production server and regional firewall were configured in transparent mode, instead of NAT. Why? The original owner wanted it that way.

2. The production server is running WS_FTP Server ver. 4.0 with a private SSL Cert. The laptop is running IIS 5 with FTP services and no SSL.

So, I decided to change the configuration from transparent mode to NAT mode since the original owner is gone and I have greater liberty. I configured the new firewall for One-to-One NAT and gave the server all new private IP addresses and a private gateway which matched the private IP of the firewall. The public side of the firewall has the original public IP from the previous firewall. I made sure that all of my route tables are correct. I then reconfigured WS_FTP Server to use the new private IP address. And rebooted the server. The result? I am able to communicate from the server to the internet and can access the test websites on the server from the internet, which means inbound and permitted outbound traffic is fine.

This is where I have my problem. When I attempt an FTP connection it makes the initial Helo and will authenticate my username and password. I'm then prompted regarding the SSL Certificate and am able to accept it. After a long pause (I have my WS_FTP Pro client set for a 2 minute wait) I get an error that the connection timed out, but I also get the "horn" that means the connection was successful. In fact I even have the active button to disconnect from the session. From what I figure, I'm actually logged in but not retrieving the directory listing.

As for the NIC, it has two ports but I'm not using both ports at the same time so there is no conflict of subnets and routes. I did switch ports on the card thinking that perhaps there was a potential failure of that port.

I hope this helps to clarify my situation. I My feeling is that's something simple that's not set or that I'm overlooking. Darned if I know what it is though.


Troy D. Hilton

Serveon, Inc.



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