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Hi James,

How about using the > or + selectors to override the height rule?

something like

body div { height: 100%; }
body > div { height: inherit; }

Just an idea. I'm not even sure if Opera or IE/Mac supports these
selectors. If they do, then I guess this method won't work.

Also try the attribute selector ( tag[attribute="value"] ):

div#outer { height: 100%; }
div[id="outer"] { height: inherit; }

I know that this is the opposite of what you've asked for (hiding CSS from
Mozilla) but I just can't think of anything Mozilla doesn't implement
properly ;-)

Viktor Radnai
Web Developer
Business Innovation Online
Ernst & Young Australia
Direct: +612 9248 4361
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                       "James Silva"                                                   
                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         To:      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         
                       om>                     cc:                                     
                                               Subject: [WSG] hiding styles from 
mozilla  [Virus checkedAU]                            
                       12:03 PM                                                        
                       Please respond                                                  
                       to wsg                                                          

Hi guys,

Is there a known CSS hack to hide styles from Mozilla based browsers?

For those that are curious...

I've got a client that is hell bent on having a fixed height site (sigh).
They want the header/footer to remain fixed while the body content scrolls.

Now, this is straight forward to achieve using a frameset... but(!) frames
are evil, the site is 95% complete so i dont want to start choping it up
now... and... frames are evil.

so... i thought, using the overflow property would work nicely on the main
content DIV. Problem is, it leaves an ugly horizontal scrollbar across the
bottom. So, next best option was to use a IE only property, "overflow-y"
(not ideal, i know).

In order for the IE only overflow-y to work, i need to set a fixed height
the DIV. This causes Moz based browsers to effectively overflow the text
OUTSIDE the boundary of the containing div. Meaning the footer now sits at
the END of the DIV, while the text overflows straight over footer (its
trust me). Opera (and hopefully other browsers) automatically resize the
height to accommodate the content (which is a reasonable compromise).

So, i could leave the IE only scroll effect in place *if* i could somehow
hide the HEIGHT property from Moz based browsers...

any ideas?
James Silva
Web Production
Gruden Pty Ltd

Tel:   +61 02 9956 6388
Fax:   +61 02 9956 8433

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