Well - I'm half convinced.
I even have the go ahead to get some corporate dosh to pay for it!
But two questions:
I'm kinda ofay with CSS, aware of the box model, I even know it needs tweaking  - but 
I never can get it quite "over the line" so to speak. Is this the guy to help?
This course is cheap - really cheap. Instead of complaining it's too expensive - my 
dept heads are asking "why so cheap?" - so, why so cheap?
Thanks ppl!
Ps - Nearly pulled off my first full css based client layout, just two damned issues I 
can't eradicate!


From: russ weakley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 10/11/03 9:47 PM
To: Web Standards Group
Subject: [WSG] Sydney Workshop: Practical CSS Page Layout - it's on!

For those who have joined recently, the Sydney CSS workshop with John
Allsopp (Westciv) is now definitely happening on Friday 5th December and
there are still some free places!

Further info:

Application form (print and post):

WSG members get a 10% discount.

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/


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