If I had a dollar for everytime that I had given some a www-less URL verbally and 
they've just entered www. blah out of habit, I'd be a millionaire!

"Ok, enter the URL 'news.google.com'"

[enters www.news.google.com]

"No, no no, no WWW!"

"news.google.com, without www?  wow, does that work?  That's amazing!  How about the 
http://?  I can leave it out?  OMG!"

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Baldwin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Fixed Width Design

I agree. I've long advocated easy to remember URLs because, although 
most of "us" do as Gary says and get URLs directly from email, I've 
observed that a *lot* of users don't know that they can copy URLs from 
the browser so type them out when passing them on, or do it verbally, 
so it is important to have easy to remember URLs and to ensure that 
content is easily accessible from the top of the site. An easy to type 
URL is more likely to be passed on by people e.g. saying something 
like: " I saw a great article at zeldman dot com, just go to the 
'articles' section and look for 'standards'"  is, in my experience, how 
most people pass on URLs...

On a related note, when will people stop saying "dot" and "slash"? 
Can't we move forward and instead of announcers after TV programmes 
saying wwwDOTbbcDOTcoDOTukDORWARDSLASHeastenders just www (very short 
pause) bbc (very short pause)co(very short pause)uk slash eastenders, 
using the punctuation like puncttuation. Wouldn't that work if it were 
adopted as a convention? It's make URLs easy to remember.(in fact we 
could drop the "www" like we dropped the "httpcolonslashslash"

See Malcom Gladwell's "Tipping Point" for an excellent discussion of 
"The Stickiness Factor" - there are lessons throughout the whole book 
for designers and web site creators.

On 11 Dec 2003, at 23:37, Taco Fleur wrote:

> http://www.notestips.com/articles/2003/1/ or 
> http://www.notestips.com/articles/limitPageWidth
> Would have been better.
> Is this something for "Standards" or out of scope?

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

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