yes, that would work great, however...i can't force the height (sorry i
didn't mention this previously) because it will wonk up another div where
the height is being set by javascript to fill all the available space in the
window it can (minus the top div height of course)...

what i have done, was set the "topthing" height to a pixel value, set a top
padding amount and left ample room at the bottom of the div just in case
somebody text zooms to 200%...not really how i wanted to solve this, but
simple is better than not...

and so far, it seems to be testing very well in every browser this way...i
can live with it if i have to...

thanks for your input...vaska

> Hi
> vertical-align doesn't really work the way valign in a table cell works
> - it applies to inline elements and table cell elements only (see css2
> rec 10.8.1).
> You have to approach the matter from the other way, remove the table
> layout hat and put on a box model hat :
> <div id="topthing>
> <div class="dudewheresmyboxmodel">
>  hi i&#039;m top thing text!
> </div>
> </div>
> #topthing
> {
> width : auto;
> }
> .dudewheresmyboxmodel
> {
> /* t r b l */
> margin : 30px 0px 30px 0px;
> padding : 2px;
> }
> so this will align your text to the 'middle' of #topthing. In reality
> it's the text forcing the 'height' of the topthing up and down - so it
> looks like you have middle aligned text
> james
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