hey james

i was/am involved in the development of that site and thanks for telling me/us that the content wasn't valid ;)

the important pages are repaired now. to clean up the forum markup is almost impossible (it's not a good piece of software imo), we just used it as it was. and the wiki is just a mess ;) i hope i can clean up the table stuff too - maybe next week or sunday.

so this is my first post (just heard about this mailinglist), maybe i should introduce myself:

i'm Michael Zeltner, 17 years old, from austria/vienna, part of the Plone (http://plone.org/) ui team. we focus on webstandards, "semantic" xhtml coding, accessibility, and heavy "nonhackish" css ;)

plone has still a long way to go, but it's "quite okay" what we did until now, i think.

best regards
niij° <http://niij.org/>

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

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