Hi Guys, 
New to the list and really have been enjoying reading it all.

I am having an issue with using fauxcolumns. Everything is fine if the 
left column content is longer than the right, but if the right column 
content is longer the image stops. I fixed this by adding the image 
within the #rap (container) div and works fine in IE but not Mozilla? 
That must be a first!!
If any of you have time to have a look on a sleepy friday that would 
be tops.
Note: Developing for Wordpress system so I can't modify the html in 
any way.
Here are links to the pages.

This page shows everthing is in order.

This page shows the right column causing problems (please view in both 
IE and Mozilla to see difference)


Thanks guys.
The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

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