Hi all

Have a minor problem with Opera 7 clearing floated items. The CSS2 recommendation states that "clear" indicates which side of the element's box may *not* be adjacent to an earlier floating box (9.5.2).
Opera, it seems is taking this to an extreme and clearing content below floats that have occurred much earlier in the document flow. Both Moz and IE don't do this - they clear only floated items that are immediately before the cleared box. Is Opera doing the right thing or the wrong thing, as the rec seems open to interpretation.

A classic example of this is a floated left #nav with adjacent (non floated) #content. In this adjacent #content is another left floated #box above a clearing box (#nonfloatedcontent). With Opera 7, #nonfloatedcontent clears #nav instead of just clearing #box. This makes some problems when #nav is very long and #nonfloatedcontent disappears down the page, under and just to the right of #nav.

Does this make sense? :D

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