I don't know if I'm for splitting the mailing list up into several

As others have said, it would then make it "sort of" like a forum - I
would be checking several folders in my mailing client, and maybe
missing out on some important or interesting post...

Are others in favour of doing this? Or not?

---- Original Message ----
Subject: RE: [WSG] Purpose of this mailing list
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 16:15:35 +1100

>> I might just point out some of the other WSG bits & pieces
>> that many people
>> probably aren't aware of:
>>  - the resources section
>> <http://webstandardsgroup.org/resources/> (which I
>> believe everyone on the list is able to add to)
>>  - the WSG CMS list (buggered if I can remember how you join...
>Thanks Lindsay.
>It's only had 8 posts so far (4 from me).
>See http://www.mail-archive.com/cms%40webstandardsgroup.org/
>To join, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
>"subscribe cms"
>(no quotes) as the body (not subject).
>The [WSG] is added at the mail server so Taco's would be an addition
>to that
>which I can't see working (I'd forget every time).
>I'm happy to set up different lists if you like, but maintenance
>would be a
>bit weird. We get a couple of hundred bounces every day (and if
>mysteriously been transformed to digest mode it means that you were
>for an extended period and I changed your mode so I only had one
>bounce per
>day from you to deal with).
>So far we have:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (The primary one)
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (optional)
>We could also do other variants:
>This would mean that people only interested in general standards
>could just remain on the default list and those that wanted to also
>get (or
>give) CSS help could joint the CSS list as well.
>I would make the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mandatory (your login is
>based on
>this one) with the others as options. There should be no increase in
>traffic, just a split and a possibility of significantly less traffic
>the person that doesn't do CSS coding but wants to keep abreast of
>the other
>It would mean that I would bulk subscribe everyone currently on wsg@
>to each
>of the new lists (but not cms@) and then allow you to unsub each
>manually if
>you want to as I don't want to have to enter specifics for 330ish
>Is this worth pursuing?
>While we're at it...
>Please make sure you free email account doesn't go over quota.
>Please don't ever request read receipts (I get most of them rather
>The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/


David McDonald
Web Designer

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

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