> What would the process be for making such a change?

Sign up to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list. But a word of warning, be ready to have
your idea ripped to shreds. Don't be dishearted by this process, every idea
is ripped to shreds on that list - the good ones come through the other end
and are included in the spec. Its kind of a litmus test I guess.

Read the spec & understand it. Read the up coming XHTML specs too
(http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml2/mod-list.html#s_listmodule) & make sure that
your issue hasn't already been fixed. Search the list archive
(http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html/) and make sure you've read
all related discussions (see list below). Get all your ducks in a row and
have all your arguments ready - then post your suggestion.

> Consider this: you want to put a border around all your 
> individual terms, some of which might have multiple 
> definitions.  Using some pretty esoteric CSS3 selectors you 
> might be able to do it, but for the most part, you're just 
> out of luck.

This argument will not hold any water on this list - borders are a
presentational issue. The HTML people make a point of refusing to consider
anything remotely presentational. I can see your point but you're going to
have to express it in a sense that is relevant to semantic mark up or take
it to the CSS list. 

What is the point of the <dl> tag? I think you are looking for something
that will perform a similar function - how can you express that without
talking about borders?

I seriously think one of the best ways to get a real solid grip on HTML &
CSS is to sign up to the W3C lists and just read the conversations that take
place there. But please, think very carefully before posting to these lists,
the list members take a pretty dim view of poorly thought out or off topic
posts, "how to" questions are also frowned on. They will make sure you get
this message if you stray away from what they aiming for. Nice people - its
just that they take their work very seriously.

Some definition list related threads:



Mark Stanton 
Technical Director 
Gruden Pty Ltd 
Tel: 9956 6388
Mob: 0410 458 201 
Fax: 9956 8433 

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

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