Does anyone use this technique in their website for image rollovers not necessary only for menu?
I admit i am in my dense moment now and can't seem to understand the write up on the above mentioned site. Looking at the codes in the page doesn't help much too. Need a simple demo if someone has them :)
With Regards
Jaime Wong
SODesires Design Team
-------Original Message-------
Date: 03/12/04 17:18:46
Subject: Re: [WSG] Eric Meyer's Pure CSS pop ups
El vie, 12-03-2004 a las 08:51, Jaime Wong escribió:
> I feel like trying out Eric's Pure CSS pop up technique
> but the question is if it is viable to use it instead of _javascript_.
> Does anyone know which browser does not work with it?
Hi Jaime,
as the method relies on using :hover on non-a elements, it won't work
with IE out-of-the-box, however you could use it together with the
whatever:hover technique or even the IE7 engine. That should do the
Manuel González Noriega
Simplelógica, construcción web
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</p>That's right. We said Frontpage.</p>
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