The first question you need to asks is what browsers you intend to support.
That will dictate many things, including the amount of shorthand css you
use. For example, if you are including NN4 as one of your target browsers,
this will limit the amount of shorthand CSS you can use.

Once you have made your browser support decision, check out one of the many
shorthand css support charts to determine which shorthand rules you can then

Generally speaking, shorthand rules are great for file size as well as
development and maintenance - easier to write and maintain.


> I have noticed an increasing number of sites using shorthand properties
> for css eg:
> h1 {  font: bold 12pt/14pt Helvetica  }
> however I know that just like actual css implementation, different
> browsers support some/all/none of the shorthand properties
> so is it worth using shorthand to create a smaller css file or as im
> doing at the moment is being explicit with every property the safest way
> to go eg:
> h1 {
>  font-weight: bold;
>  font-size: 12pt;
>  line-height: 14pt;
>  font-family: Helvetica;
>  font-variant: normal;
>  font-style: normal;
>  font-stretch: normal;
>  font-size-adjust: none
> }

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