On Monday, March 15, 2004, at 10:10 AM, Kim Buttery wrote:

A number of my web pages insist that links I visited, when checking them remain in the 'visited' state in the future. I would like the links to revert to a none-visited state when a page loads. I believe there should be an 'on load' instruction but I have not been able to find the syntax in either my html references or the CSS references.  Can someone assist with the correct syntax (? on load "a:link" ?) and tell me if it should be placed in the <head> content </head> area. Thank you..

I'd really recommend against this, as it's changing the behaviour of the user's mail program -- generally a big no-no.

For example, in Firefox 0.8's preferences, I can 'remember visited pages for the last N days'. It's a user preference, NOT a developer/site-owner preference.

Of course there **MAY** be occasions where this is okay, I'd avoid it all costs if possible.

Take the following example:

1. I visit a friends blog, and read the newest three posts... my browser remembers those last three posts as being visited, and offers a visual cue that this has happened.

2. I close the window, and leave the site.

3. I come back a few days later, and your script screws with the visited links, turning them all into fresh links.

4. Rather than glancing at each title/link and seeing that it is visited, I have to read the title/link, remember if I've read it, then decide what to do.

If you personally want a different scenario for your browser, mess with your preferences, and set the history/visited pages preference to 0 or 1 days, and see how that goes, but please don't mess with my preferences :)

--- Justin French http://indent.com.au

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