On 19 Mar 2004, at 10:18, Mike Brown wrote:

Off the top of my head, some things you may need to sort out with the

:: is it a fluid or fixed-width layout?
:: do you use fonts or images for navigation?
:: do elements on the page have to be exactly the pixels apart shown
in the design, or do you have some flexibility there?
:: is it clear from the design what elements are heading elements -
h1, h2, etc?


Some excellent tips, Mike. These are /exactly/ the kinds of things that need to be considered. In addition, are there any more mock-ups that can be provided that show other eventualities, such as:

* What about when you have a lower-level heading?
* What to do when content overflows what appears to be a predefined area - scrolling? Where do the stretches take place?

There are probably tonnes more of these but they've probably already been addressed by the list. The main thing was to say bravo for the points mentioned above.

Ian Lloyd
WEB: http://www.ian-lloyd.com/  |  AIM: uklloydi
Round-the-World trip blog: http://ianandmanda.typepad.com/

Disclaimer: I am currently traveling and connect to the Internet sporadically. As such, much of what I write offline may be days (or more) old when it gets sent, hence the content may have been superseded by other people's emails.

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